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daskqueue is small python library built on top of Dask and Dask Distributed that implements a very lightweight Distributed Task queue.

Think of this library as a simpler version of Celery built entirely on Dask. Running Celery on HPC environnment (for instance) is usually very tricky whereas spawning a Dask Cluster is a lot easier to manage, debug and cleanup.


Dask is an amazing library for parallel computing written entirely in Python. It is easy to install and offer both a high level API wrapping common collections (arrays, bags, dataframes) and a low level API for written custom code (Task graph with Delayed and Futures).

For all its greatness, Dask implements a central scheduler (basically a simple tornado eventloop) involved in every decision, which can sometimes create a central bottleneck. This is a pretty serious limitation when trying use Dask in high throughput situation. A simple Task Queue is usually the best approach when trying to distribute millions of tasks.

The daskqueue python library leverages Dask Actors to implement distributed queues with a simple load balancer QueuePool and a Consummer class to consumme message from these queues.

We used Actors because:

  • Actors are stateful, they can hold on to and mutate state. They are allowed to update their state in-place, which is very useful when spawning distributed queues !

  • NO CENTRAL SCHEDULING NEEDED : Operations on actors do not inform the central scheduler, and so do not contribute to the 4000 task/second overhead. They also avoid an extra network hop and so have lower latencies. Actors can communicate between themselves in a P2P manner, which makes it pretty neat when having a huge number of queues and consummers.

Note : Dask provides a Queue implementation but they are mediated by the central scheduler, and so they are not ideal for sending large amounts of data (everything you send will be routed through a central point) and add additionnal overhead on the scheduler when trying to put millions of tasks.


daskqueue requires Python 3.6 or newer. You can install manually by cloning the repository:

$ pip install daskqueue


This simple example show how to copy files in parallel using Dask workers and a distributed queue:

from distributed import Client
from daskqueue import QueuePool, ConsumerPool
from daskqueue.utils import logger

def process_item():
    return sum(i * i for i in range(10**8))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    client = Client(
        # task function doesn't release the GIL

    ## Params
    n_queues = 1
    n_consumers = 5

    queue_pool = QueuePool(client, n_queues=n_queues)

    consumer_pool = ConsumerPool(client, queue_pool, n_consumers=n_consumers)

    for i in range(5):

    # Wait for all work to be done

    ## Get results
    results = consumer_pool.results()

Take a look at the examples/ folder to get some usage.


You should think of daskqueue as a very simple distributed version of aiomultiprocessing. We have these basic classes:

  • Queue : The daskqueue library provides two queue types :

    • TransientQueue: The default queue class. The submitted messages are appended to an in memory FIFO queue.
    • DurableQueue: This is a disk backed queue for persisting the messages. The tasks are served in FIFO manner. Durable queues append serialized message to a fixed-sized file called LogSegment. The durable queues also append queue operations to and an IndexSegment. The index segment is a combination of a bitcask index for segment offsets and WAL file : it is an append only file where we record message status after each queue operation (ready, delivered, acked and failed) and an offset to the message in on of the LogSegments
  • QueuePoolActor: Basic Pool actor, it holds a reference to queues and their sizes. It interfaces with the Client and the Consummers. The QueuePool implements a round robin batch submit.

  • ConsumerBaseClass: Abstract class interfaces implementing all the fetching logic for you worker. The Consumers have a start() method where we run an unfinite fetch loop to pop items from queue assigned by QueuePool. The consumer directly communicate with the Queue, providing highly scalable workflows. The Consummer will then get an item from the queue and schedule process_item on the dask worker's ThreadPoolExecutor, freeing the worker's eventloop to communicate with the scheduler, fetch tasks asynchronously etc ....

Performance and Limitations


The daskqueue library is very well suited for IO bound jobs: by running multiple consummers and queues, communication asynchronously, we can bypass the dask scheduler limit and process **millions of tasks 🥰 !! **

The example copy code above was ran on cluster of 20 consummers and 5 queues. The tasks ran are basic file copy between two location (copying form NFS filer). We copied 200 000 files (~ 1.1To) without ever breaking a sweat !

We can clearly see the network saturation:


Looking at the scheduler metrics, we can have a mean of 19.3% Image

You can take a look at the benchmark/ directory for various benchmarks ran using daskqueue vs dask:

  • We put 1_000_000 tasks using dask cluster (2 nodes- 1 thread per process- 4 queues- 8 consumers)
  • The tasks were chunked using into 1000 calls of 1000 tasks per batch
  • The client submits to the QueuePool manager using
  • The function is 'empty' : just passes and doesn't use CPU or IO
  • Processing 1_000_000 empty tasks took 338s = 5min36s 😸!!


  • For durable queues, we can achive the following throughput with 1 consumer and 1 queue (running on the same machine) with message size of ~100Bytes

    • 1 queue | 1 consumer :
      • Mean write ops [1tests] 86991.03 wop/s
      • Mean read ops [1tests] 8439.37 rop/s
    • 5 queues | 5 consumers, we have a near linear speed up for consumers, reader:
      • Mean write ops [1tests] 86008.31 wop/s
      • Mean read ops [1tests] 25199.66 rop/s
  • For Transient queues, we can achive the following throughput with 1 consumer and 1 queue (running on the same machine) with message size of ~100Bytes

    • 1 queue | 1 consumer :
      • Mean write ops [1tests] 86991.03 wop/s
      • Mean read ops [1tests] 9840.37 rop/s
    • 5 queues | 5 consumers, we have a near linear speed up for consumers, reader:
      • Mean write ops [1tests] 86008.31 wop/s
      • Mean read ops [1tests] 26958.66 rop/s

| All files are mmaped so we don't see any performance degration for workloads that fit into memory.


As for the limitation, given the current implementation, you should be mindfull of the following limitations (this list will be updated regularly):

  • We run the tasks in the workers ThreadPool, we inherit all the limitations that the standard dask.submit method have.
  • Task that require multiprocessing/multithreading within a worker cannot be scheduled at the time. This is also true for dask tasks.
  • The QueuePool implement simple scheduling on put and get. More sophisticated scheduling will be implementing in the future.

Features roadmap

  • Consumer should run arbitrary funcs (ala celery)
  • Use Worker's thread pool for long running tasks ( probe finished to get results)
  • Wrap consummers in a Consummers class
  • Implement a Distributed Join to know when to stop cluster
  • Implement a concurrency_limit as the maximum number of active, concurrent jobs each worker process will pick up from its queue at once.
  • Run tasks on custom Worker's executors
  • Add benchmarks
  • Tests
  • Implement durable queues with bitcask index
  • Implement Ack Mechanism
  • Reschedule Unacked Message
  • Implement health check mechanism
  • Implement tasks retries
  • Add queue plugin to dask dashboard


Contributions are what makes the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. This project is still very very rough! Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are greatly appreciated 😍 😍 😍 !

Please try to create bug reports that are:

  • Reproducible. Include steps to reproduce the problem.
  • Specific. Include as much detail as possible: which version, what environment, etc.
  • Unique. Do not duplicate existing opened issues.
  • Scoped to a Single Bug. One bug per issue.


Releases are published automatically when a tag is pushed to GitHub.

git checkout master
git pull
# Set next version number
export RELEASE=x.x.x

# Create tags
git commit --allow-empty -m "Release $RELEASE"
git tag -a $RELEASE -m "Version $RELEASE"

# Push
git push upstream --tags


daskqueue is copyright Amine Dirhoussi, and licensed under the MIT license. I am providing code in this repository to you under an open source license. This is my personal repository; the license you receive to my code is from me and not from my employer. See the LICENSE file for details.