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Installing A Server

Jeremiah Winsley edited this page Apr 24, 2021 · 11 revisions

Installing A Server

This is not meant to be a comprehensive guide, just a general overview of the process.

This guide is targeted for Windows 10, if you are on a different OS you may need to adapt some parts of the process.

In general we do not provide server installation support for technical questions,
but if you have specific questions about our pack installer, or comments about this guide,
feel free to ask them in the ATM Discord.


  1. Install Java 11 x64 (HotSpot) from AdoptOpenJDK and uninstall any other versions of Java (JRE/JDK)
    • This is the recommended version, but anything between JDK 8-14 should work.
    • This is the recommended vendor, other options include Azul Zulu OpenJDK or Oracle JDK.
  2. Ensure any third-party antivirus programs are disabled or uninstalled.
    • Avast, AVG, and Bitdefender are known to interfere with the process - others are also likely to cause problems.


  1. Go to the CurseForge page for the pack version you want to install, and download the SIMPLE-SERVER-FILES.
  2. Unzip these to an empty folder.
    • Make sure you do not have this in OneDrive or another synced folder, as those can lock up the installer.
  3. Run startserver.bat and wait for it to complete. When the installation is complete, you should see a prompt to accept the EULA.
    • Some guides will tell you to run this as admin. DO NOT do this. This is never necessary, and this can break the installation or worse.
  4. Once you accept the EULA, the server will start running. Startup will typically take 3-5 minutes.
  5. When the server has started fully, close the window.
    • You should see [tombstone/]: The list of contributors has been loaded successfully when the loading is complete.
    • This works around a known issue where you cannot type in the console the first time you start the server.
  6. Make any changes needed to or configs, and run startserver.bat again to start the server.
    • Many guides tell you to edit server-ip or server-port. In most cases you DO NOT need to edit these,
      and this can prevent your server from starting. Make sure you know what these do, before you edit them.
    • If you want to import a single player world, you can do this now before starting the server.

Other Stuff

  • Importing a single player world
    1. Shut off the server.
    2. Delete world from the server.
    3. Copy your save into the server directory, and rename it to world.
    4. Delete world/icon.png (single player worlds can sometimes generate icons that are too large for the server)
  • Uploading to a server host
    • If your server host uses the startserver script, upload all files.
    • If your server host uses a custom jar, upload all files EXCEPT:
      • startserver.bat
      • server-setup-config.yaml
      • serverstarter-*.jar
    • You may need to rename the forge-1.16.5-*.jar to whatever your hosting provider expects.
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