diff --git "a/alstjr7437/BFS/\355\206\240\353\247\210\355\206\240.py" "b/alstjr7437/BFS/\355\206\240\353\247\210\355\206\240.py"
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45c32e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/alstjr7437/BFS/\355\206\240\353\247\210\355\206\240.py"
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from collections import deque
+import sys
+input = sys.stdin.readline
+dx = [0,0,-1,1]
+dy = [1,-1,0,0]
+n, m = map(int, input().split())
+tomato = []
+visited = [[0] * n for _ in range(m)]
+for _ in range(m):
+ tomato.append(list(map(int, input().split())))
+queue = deque()
+for y in range(m):
+ for x in range(n):
+ if tomato[y][x] == 1:
+ queue.append((y,x))
+ visited[y][x] = 1
+while queue:
+ y, x = queue.popleft()
+ for i in range(4):
+ nx = x + dx[i]
+ ny = y + dy[i]
+ if nx >= n or nx < 0 or ny >= m or ny < 0:
+ continue
+ if tomato[ny][nx] != -1 and visited[ny][nx] == 0:
+ visited[ny][nx] = 1
+ tomato[ny][nx] = tomato[y][x] + 1
+ queue.append((ny, nx))
+if any(0 in l for l in tomato):
+ print(-1)
+else :
+ test = max(map(max, tomato))
+ print(test - 1)
diff --git a/alstjr7437/README.md b/alstjr7437/README.md
index 253921c0..c132ba86 100644
--- a/alstjr7437/README.md
+++ b/alstjr7437/README.md
@@ -24,4 +24,5 @@
| 22차시 | 2024.04.13 | BFS | 연결 요소의 개수 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-6/pull/78 |
| 21차시 | 2024.04.06 | 비트마스킹 | 집합 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-6/pull/74 |
| 22차시 | 2024.04.13 | BFS | 연결 요소의 개수 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-6/pull/78 |
-| 23차시 | 2024.05.01 | 큐 | 프로세스 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-6/pull/79 |
\ No newline at end of file
+| 23차시 | 2024.05.01 | 큐 | 프로세스 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-6/pull/79 |
+| 24차시 | 2024.05.14 | BFS | 토마토 | https://github.com/AlgoLeadMe/AlgoLeadMe-1/pull/187 |
\ No newline at end of file