Adding kube-prometheus to KOPS on AWS 1.5.x
A running Kubernetes cluster created with KOPS.
These instructions have currently been tested with topology=public on AWS with KOPS 1.5.1 and Kubernetes 1.5.x
- Open port 9100 on the masters security group to the nodes security group
- Open ports 10250-10252 on the masters security group to the nodes security group.
Example script below requires $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE and $NAME
MASTER_SG=$(aws --profile ${AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE} ec2 describe-security-groups --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=masters.$NAME" --query "SecurityGroups[*].GroupId[]" --output=text)
NODES_SG=$(aws --profile ${AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE} ec2 describe-security-groups --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=nodes.$NAME" --query "SecurityGroups[*].GroupId[]" --output=text)
aws --profile ${AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE} ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id $MASTER_SG --protocol tcp --port 9100 --source-group $NODES_SG
aws --profile ${AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE} ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id $MASTER_SG --protocol tcp --port 10250-10252 --source-group $NODES_SG
Following the instructions in the README:
git clone -b master prometheus-operator-temp;
cd prometheus-operator-temp/contrib/kube-prometheus
kubectl -n kube-system create -f manifests/k8s/self-hosted/
cd -
rm -rf prometheus-operator-temp