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File metadata and controls

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Project cmds

Push images to docker hub

docker tag local-image:tagname new-repo:tagname docker push new-repo:tagname

Docker build

docker build . # with Dockerfile docker build

Run container with volume

docker run [-p container_port:host_port] [-v volume_name:path_to_local_volume] image_name

Network for communication for MongoDB and Backend

Create network

docker network create my-bridge-network

Assignment 3

To build and run everything

docker compose up

To remove all the containers and networks created

docker compose down

Assignment #4

Start minikube

minikube start


minikube stop

Create kubernets deployment objects

kubectl create deployment mongo-pod --image=mongo --port=27017

kubectl create deployment backend-pod --image=tapadinhas/iacd-backend:Assignment3-no-env-var --port=80 --replicas=2

kubectl create deployment frontend-pod --image=tapadinhas/iacd-frontend:Assignment1-and-2 --port=3000 --replicas=3

To delete any type of kubernets object

kubectl delete

To expose the pods

kubectl expose deployment mongo-pod --type=ClusterIP --port=27017 kubectl expose deployment backend-pod --type=LoadBalancer --port=80 kubectl expose deployment frontend-pod --type=LoadBalancer --port=3000

To apply the configurations files for the deployment and services

kubectl apply -f=<config.yaml>

To get the public address to access the service

minikube service frontend-service minikube service backend-service

Kubernets - Notes from class

kubectl get pod

Create kubernets pod on terminal

kubectl create deployment [name] --image=username/image_id

deployment.yaml file

config file for kubernet pod

Deploy do pod deployment e service

kubectl apply -f=deployment.yaml

kubectl apply -f=service.yaml

Service types on kubernetes

Service of ClusterIP type

Used for inside the Cluster Communication

Service of LoadBalancer or NodePort type

For being accessible to outside of the Cluster

Auto generated environment variable


Types of services for the project

Service of Mongodb pod is ClusterIP type

Service of Backend pod is LoadBalancer type (because it is accessed by the client browser)

Service of Frontend pod is LoadBalancer type