Version 2.0 from 01.02.2020
Fast and light core for Arduino IDE with advanced configuration. Only for ATmega328 boards!
Based on original Arduino 1.8.9 core, all functions are replaced by faster versions, a bunch of interesting staff is added.
Made by AlexGyver and Egor 'Nich1con' Zaharov from mother Russia.
- Open the Arduino IDE.
- Open the File > Preferences menu item.
- Enter the following URL in Additional Boards Manager URLs:
- Open the Tools > Board > Boards Manager... menu item.
- Wait for the platform indexes to finish downloading.
- Scroll down until you see the GyverCore entry and click on it.
- Click Install.
- After installation is complete close the Boards Manager window.
- Place all files from GyverCore to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\GyverCore\hardware\avr\1.10.0\
Time of execution, us
Function | Arduino | GyverCore | Times faster |
millis | 0.69 us | 0.69 us | - |
micros | 0.81 us | 0.81 us | - |
pinMode | 2.56 us | 0.125 us | 20.5 |
digitalWrite | 2.40 us | 0.125 us | 19 |
digitalRead | 2.06 us | 0.063 us | 33 |
analogWrite | 5.9 us | 0.63 us | 9.3 |
analogRead | 107.2 us | 5.94 us | 18 |
analogReference | 0.19 us | 0.19 us | - |
attachInterrupt | 1.06 us | 1.0 us | - |
detachInterrupt | 0.5 us | 0.13 us | 3.8 |
tone | 9.0 us | 2.25 us | 4 |
Flash, byte
Function | Arduino | GyverCore | Difference |
millis | 26 | 24 | 2 |
micros | 24 | 20 | 4 |
pinMode | 114 | 24 | 90 |
digitalWrite | 200 | 24 | 176 |
digitalRead | 190 | 24 | 166 |
analogWrite | 406 | 48 | 358 |
analogRead | 32 | 72 | -40 |
analogReference | 0 | 22 | -22 |
attachInterrupt | 212 | 180 | 32 |
detachInterrupt | 198 | 150 | 48 |
tone | 1410 | 740 | 670 |
Serial begin | 1028 | 166 | 862 |
print long | 1094 | 326 | 768 |
print string | 2100 | 1484 | 616 |
print float | 2021 | 446 | 1575 |
parseInt | 1030 | 214 | 816 |
readString | 2334 | 1594 | 740 |
parseFloat | 1070 | 246 | 824 |
Note: analogRead and analogReference has advanced configuration
Sketch with all of functions:
- Arduino Core: 3446 byte (11%) Flash / 217 byte (10%) SRAM
- GyverCore: 1436 byte (4%) Flash / 94 byte (4%) SRAM
Empty sketch
- Arduino Core: 444 byte (1%) Flash / 9 byte (0%) SRAM
- GyverCore: 202 byte (0%) Flash / 0 byte (0%) SRAM
All libraries, based on Wiring functions, works much faster. Even SPI (more than 2 times faster!)
- Wide Syntax Coloring Map (include names of registers and bits)
- Macros bitToggle(value, bit), for fast bit inversion
- Function digitalToggle(pin), for fast pin inversion
- Advanced ADC
analogStartConvert(byte pin) - start convert from choosed pinanalogGet() - get converted value (you can make some actions between start and get)- analogPrescaler(uint8_t prescl) - set prescaler for ADC. Prescaler:
- 2: 3.04 us per conversion
- 4: 4.72 us per conversion
- 8: 8.04 us per conversion
- 16: 15.12 us per conversion
- 32: 28.04 us per conversion
- 64: 56.04 us per conversion
- 128: 112 us per conversion
- In function analogRead(pin) you can use constants instead of pin number: INTERNAL (get reference voltage) and THERMOMETR (get core temperature). Note: set ADC prescaler to 128
- uart class is an alternative to Serial, but much faster and lighter.
- Advanced board menu
- Bootloader select
- Clock source and frequency select
- Save EEPROM when erase, or not
- Clock out
- Selectable "system timer" - you can disable it and take control on timer 0 OVF vector
- Replace Serial by faster uart
- Disable or configure B.O.D.
- You can disable default initialization of timers and ADC
- Compiler version
Bootloader - bootloader selection (flash bootloader needed):
- old bootloader - old stock bootloader
- optiBoot - actual stock bootloader for all new Arduino boards
- optiBoot v8 - actual version of optiboot with correct fuses
- without bootloader with fuses for upload sketch in all of 32 kBytes ща Flash!
Clock - clock source and frequency selection (flash bootloader needed):
- External 16 MHz
- External 8 MHz
- Internal 8 MHz for standalone ATmega chip progects =)
- Internal 1 MHz
- Internal 128 kHz - use without bootloader for this clock
- Note:
- Time function (delay/millis) are corrected for chosen clock
- After flash 128 kHz you need to slow down your peogrammer to flash again!
Save EEPROM - save EEPROM after flashing with programmer (flash bootloader needed):
- enable
- disable
Clock Out - system clock out on pin D8 (flash bootloader needed):
- disable
- enable
System timer - timer0 setting:
- enable - default settings delay/millis is working as usual
- disable - timer 0 OVF vector is free! But millis/micros is not working. delay/delayMicroseconds are replaced by _delay_ms и _delay_us
Serial - Serial behavior:
- default Serial - when you use Serial object, it behave as usual
- GyverUART - all calls of Serial will be replaced by fast and light uart class
B.O.D. (Brown-out detector) - reset when voltage drop (flash bootloader needed):
- disable
- 1.8V - reset when VCC is below 1.7-2.0V
- 2.7V (default) - reset when VCC is below 2.5-2.9V
- 4.3V - reset when VCC is below 4.1-4.5V
Initialization - initialization of chip periphery (timers, ADC, etc.)
- enable - default initialization
- disable - no initialization
Compiler version
- default v5.4.0 - stock Arduino IDE compiler (avr-gcc v5.4.0)
- avr-gcc v8.3.0 - new compiler version: faster compilation and lighter code (more free Flash). But could be unstable in some case