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{{ SPI interface routines for SD & SDHC & MMC cards Jonathan "lonesock" Dummer version 0.3.0 2009 July 19 Using multiblock SPI mode exclusively. This is the "SAFE" version...uses * 1 instruction per bit writes * 2 instructions per bit reads For the fsrw project:}}CON ' possible card types type_MMC = 1 type_SD = 2 type_SDHC = 3 ' Error codes ERR_CARD_NOT_RESET = -1 ERR_3v3_NOT_SUPPORTED = -2 ERR_OCR_FAILED = -3 ERR_BLOCK_NOT_LONG_ALIGNED = -4 '... ' These errors are for the assembly engine...they are negated inside, and need to be <= 511 ERR_ASM_NO_READ_TOKEN = 100 ERR_ASM_BLOCK_NOT_WRITTEN = 101 ' NOTE: errors -128 to -255 are reserved for reporting R1 response errors '... ERR_SPI_ENGINE_NOT_RUNNING = -999 ERR_CARD_BUSY_TIMEOUT = -1000 ' SDHC/SD/MMC command set for SPI CMD0 = $40+0 ' GO_IDLE_STATE CMD1 = $40+1 ' SEND_OP_COND (MMC) ACMD41 = $C0+41 ' SEND_OP_COND (SDC) CMD8 = $40+8 ' SEND_IF_COND CMD9 = $40+9 ' SEND_CSD CMD10 = $40+10 ' SEND_CID CMD12 = $40+12 ' STOP_TRANSMISSION CMD13 = $40+13 ' SEND_STATUS ACMD13 = $C0+13 ' SD_STATUS (SDC) CMD16 = $40+16 ' SET_BLOCKLEN CMD17 = $40+17 ' READ_SINGLE_BLOCK CMD18 = $40+18 ' READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK CMD23 = $40+23 ' SET_BLOCK_COUNT (MMC) ACMD23 = $C0+23 ' SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT (SDC) CMD24 = $40+24 ' WRITE_BLOCK CMD25 = $40+25 ' WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK CMD55 = $40+55 ' APP_CMD CMD58 = $40+58 ' READ_OCR CMD59 = $40+59 ' CRC_ON_OFF ' buffer size for my debug cmd log 'LOG_SIZE = 256<<1{VAR long SPI_engine_cog ' these are used for interfacing with the assembly engine | temporary initialization usage long SPI_command ' "t", "r", "w", 0 =>done, <0 => error | pin mask long SPI_block_index ' which 512-byte block to read/write | cnt at init long SPI_buffer_address ' where to get/put the data in Hub RAM | unused'}DAT'' I'm placing these variables in a DAT section to make this driver a singleton.'' If for some reason you really need more than one driver (e.g. if you have more'' than a single SD socket), move these back into VAR.SPI_engine_cog long 0' these are used for interfacing with the assembly engine | temporary initialization usageSPI_command long 0 ' "t", "r", "w", 0 =>done, <0 => error | unusedSPI_block_index long 0 ' which 512-byte block to read/write | cnt at initSPI_buffer_address long 0 ' where to get/put the data in Hub RAM | unused{VAR ' for debug ONLY byte log_cmd_resp[LOG_SIZE+1]PUB get_log_pointer return @log_cmd_resp'} PUB start( basepin ){{ This is a compatibility wrapper, and requires that the pins be both consecutive, and in the order DO CLK DI CS.}} return start_explicit( basepin, basepin+1, basepin+2, basepin+3 )PUB readblock( block_index, buffer_address ) if SPI_engine_cog == 0 abort ERR_SPI_ENGINE_NOT_RUNNING if (buffer_address & 3) abort ERR_BLOCK_NOT_LONG_ALIGNED SPI_block_index := block_index SPI_buffer_address := buffer_address SPI_command := "r" repeat while SPI_command == "r" if SPI_command < 0 abort SPI_commandPUB writeblock( block_index, buffer_address ) if SPI_engine_cog == 0 abort ERR_SPI_ENGINE_NOT_RUNNING if (buffer_address & 3) abort ERR_BLOCK_NOT_LONG_ALIGNED SPI_block_index := block_index SPI_buffer_address := buffer_address SPI_command := "w" repeat while SPI_command == "w" if SPI_command < 0 abort SPI_commandPUB get_seconds if SPI_engine_cog == 0 abort ERR_SPI_ENGINE_NOT_RUNNING SPI_command := "t" repeat while SPI_command == "t" ' secods are in SPI_block_index, remainder is in SPI_buffer_address return SPI_block_indexPUB get_milliseconds : ms if SPI_engine_cog == 0 abort ERR_SPI_ENGINE_NOT_RUNNING SPI_command := "t" repeat while SPI_command == "t" ' secods are in SPI_block_index, remainder is in SPI_buffer_address ms := SPI_block_index * 1000 ms += SPI_buffer_address * 1000 / clkfreq PUB start_explicit( DO, CLK, DI, CS ) : card_type | tmp, i{{ Do all of the card initialization in SPIN, then hand off the pin information to the assembly cog for hot SPI block R/W action!}} ' Start from scratch stop ' clear my log buffer { bytefill( @log_cmd_resp, 0, LOG_SIZE+1 ) dbg_ptr := @log_cmd_resp dbg_end := dbg_ptr + LOG_SIZE '} ' wait ~4 milliseconds waitcnt( 500 + (clkfreq>>8) + cnt ) ' (start with cog variables, _BEFORE_ loading the cog) pinDO := DO maskDO := |< DO pinCLK := CLK pinDI := DI maskDI := |< DI maskCS := |< CS adrShift := 9 ' block = 512 * index, and 512 = 1<<9 ' pass the output pin mask via the command register maskAll := maskCS | (|<pinCLK) | maskDI dira |= maskAll ' get the card in a ready state: set DI and CS high, send => 74 clocks outa |= maskAll repeat 4096 outa[CLK]~~ outa[CLK]~ ' time-hack SPI_block_index := cnt ' reset the card tmp~ repeat i from 0 to 9 if tmp <> 1 tmp := send_cmd_slow( CMD0, 0, $95 ) if (tmp & 4) ' the card said CMD0 ("go idle") was invalid, so we're possibly stuck in read or write mode if i & 1 ' exit multiblock read mode repeat 4 read_32_slow ' these extra clocks are required for some MMC cards send_slow( $FD, 8 ) ' stop token read_32_slow repeat while read_slow <> $FF else ' exit multiblock read mode send_cmd_slow( CMD12, 0, $61 ) if tmp <> 1 ' the reset command failed! crash( ERR_CARD_NOT_RESET ) ' Is this a SD type 2 card? if send_cmd_slow( CMD8, $1AA, $87 ) == 1 ' Type2 SD, check to see if it's a SDHC card tmp := read_32_slow ' check the supported voltage if (tmp & $1FF) <> $1AA crash( ERR_3v3_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ' try to initialize the type 2 card with the High Capacity bit repeat while send_cmd_slow( ACMD41, |<30, $77 ) ' the card is initialized, let's read back the High Capacity bit if send_cmd_slow( CMD58, 0, $FD ) <> 0 crash( ERR_OCR_FAILED ) ' get back the data tmp := read_32_slow ' check the bit if tmp & |<30 card_type := type_SDHC adrShift := 0 else card_type := type_SD else ' Either a type 1 SD card, or it's MMC, try SD 1st if send_cmd_slow( ACMD41, 0, $E5 ) < 2 ' this is a type 1 SD card (1 means busy, 0 means done initializing) card_type := type_SD repeat while send_cmd_slow( ACMD41, 0, $E5 ) else ' mark that it's MMC, and try to initialize card_type := type_MMC repeat while send_cmd_slow( CMD1, 0, $F9 ) ' some SD or MMC cards may have the wrong block size, set it here send_cmd_slow( CMD16, 512, $15 ) ' card is mounted, make sure the CRC is turned off send_cmd_slow( CMD59, 0, $91 ) ' check the status 'send_cmd_slow( CMD13, 0, $0D ) ' done with the SPI bus for now outa |= maskCS ' set my counter modes for super fast SPI operation ' writing: NCO single-ended mode, output on DI writeMode := (%00100 << 26) | (DI << 0) ' reading 'readMode := (%11000 << 26) | (DO << 0) | (CLK << 9) ' clock 'clockLineMode := (%00110 << 26) | (CLK << 0) ' DUTY, 25% duty cycle ' clock clockLineMode := (%00100 << 26) | (CLK << 0) ' NCO, 50% duty cycle ' how many bytes (8 clocks, >>3) fit into 1/2 of a second (>>1), 4 clocks per instruction (>>2)? N_in8_500ms := clkfreq >> constant(1+2+3) ' how long should we wait before auto-exiting any multiblock mode? idle_limit := 125 ' ms, NEVER make this > 1000 idle_limit := clkfreq / (1000 / idle_limit) ' convert to counts ' Hand off control to the assembly engine's cog bufAdr := @SPI_buffer_address sdAdr := @SPI_block_index SPI_command := 0 ' just make sure it's not 1 ' start my driver cog and wait till I hear back that it's done SPI_engine_cog := cognew( @SPI_engine_entry, @SPI_command ) + 1 if( SPI_engine_cog == 0 ) crash( ERR_SPI_ENGINE_NOT_RUNNING ) repeat while SPI_command <> -1 ' and we no longer need to control any pins from here dira &= !maskAll ' the return variable is card_type PUB release{{ I do not want to abort if the cog is not running, as this is called from stop, which is called from start/ [8^) }} if SPI_engine_cog SPI_command := "z" repeat while SPI_command == "z" PUB stop{{ kill the assembly driver cog.}} release if SPI_engine_cog cogstop( SPI_engine_cog~ - 1 )PRI crash( abort_code ){{ In case of Bad Things(TM) happening, exit as gracefully as possible.}} ' and we no longer need to control any pins from here dira &= !maskAll ' and report our error abort abort_codePRI send_cmd_slow( cmd, val, crc ) : reply | time_stamp{{ Send down a command and return the reply. Note: slow is an understatement! Note: this uses the assembly DAT variables for pin IDs, which means that if you run this multiple times (say for multiple SD cards), these values will change for each one. But this is OK as all of these functions will be called during the initialization only, before the PASM engine is running.}} ' if this is an application specific command, handle it if (cmd & $80) ' ACMD<n> is the command sequense of CMD55-CMD<n> cmd &= $7F reply := send_cmd_slow( CMD55, 0, $65 ) if (reply > 1) return reply ' the CS line needs to go low during this operation outa |= maskCS outa &= !maskCS ' give the card a few cocks to finish whatever it was doing read_32_slow ' send the command byte send_slow( cmd, 8 ) ' send the value long send_slow( val, 32 ) ' send the CRC byte send_slow( crc, 8 ) ' is this a CMD12?, if so, stuff byte if cmd == CMD12 read_slow ' read back the response (spec declares 1-8 reads max for SD, MMC is 0-8) time_stamp := 9 repeat reply := read_slow while( reply & $80 ) and ( time_stamp-- ) ' done, and 'reply' is already pre-loaded { if dbg_ptr < (dbg_end-1) byte[dbg_ptr++] := cmd byte[dbg_ptr++] := reply if (cmd&63) == 13 ' get the second byte byte[dbg_ptr++] := cmd byte[dbg_ptr++] := read_slow '} PRI send_slow( value, bits_to_send ) value ><= bits_to_send repeat bits_to_send outa[pinCLK]~ outa[pinDI] := value value >>= 1 outa[pinCLK]~~PRI read_32_slow : r repeat 4 r <<= 8 r |= read_slow PRI read_slow : r{{ Read back 8 bits from the card}} ' we need the DI line high so a read can occur outa[pinDI]~~ ' get 8 bits (remember, r is initialized to 0 by SPIN) repeat 8 outa[pinCLK]~ outa[pinCLK]~~ r += r + ina[pinDO] ' error check if( (cnt - SPI_block_index) > (clkfreq << 2) ) crash( ERR_CARD_BUSY_TIMEOUT ) DAT{{ This is the assembly engine for doing fast block reads and writes. This is *ALL* it does!}}ORG 0SPI_engine_entry ' Counter A drives data out mov ctra,writeMode ' Counter B will always drive my clock line mov ctrb,clockLineMode ' set our output pins to match the pin mask mov dira,maskAll ' handshake that we now control the pins neg user_request,#1 wrlong user_request,par ' start my seconds' counter here mov last_time,cnt waiting_for_command ' update my seconds counter, but also track the idle ' time so we can to release the card after timeout. call #handle_time ' read the command, and make sure it's from the user (> 0) rdlong user_request,par cmps user_request,#0 wz,wcif_be jmp #waiting_for_command ' handle our card based commands cmp user_request,#"r" wzif_z jmp #read_ahead cmp user_request,#"w" wzif_z jmp #write_behind cmp user_request,#"z" wzif_z jmp #release_card ' time requests are handled differently cmp user_request,#"t" wz ' timeif_z wrlong seconds,sdAdr ' seconds goes into the SD index registerif_z wrlong dtime,bufAdr ' the remainder goes into the buffer address register ' in all other cases, clear the user's request mov user_request,#0 wrlong user_request,par jmp #waiting_for_command release_card mov user_cmd,#"z" ' request a release neg lastIndexPlus,#1 ' reset the last block index neg user_idx,#1 ' and make this match it call #handle_command mov user_request,user_cmd wrlong user_request,par jmp #waiting_for_commandread_ahead rdlong user_idx,sdAdr ' if the correct block is not already loaded, load it mov tmp1,user_idx add tmp1,#1 cmp tmp1,lastIndexPlus wzif_z cmp lastCommand,#"r" wzif_z jmp #:get_on_with_it mov user_cmd,#"r" call #handle_command:get_on_with_it ' copy the data up into Hub RAM movi transfer_long,#%000010_000 'set to wrlong call #hub_cog_transfer ' signify that the data is ready, Spin can continue mov user_request,user_cmd wrlong user_request,par ' request the next block mov user_cmd,#"r" add user_idx,#1 call #handle_command ' done jmp #waiting_for_commandwrite_behind rdlong user_idx,sdAdr ' copy data in from Hub RAM movi transfer_long,#%000010_001 'set to rdlong call #hub_cog_transfer ' signify that we have the data, Spin can continue mov user_request,user_cmd wrlong user_request,par ' write out the block mov user_cmd,#"w" call #handle_command ' done jmp #waiting_for_command{{ Set user_cmd and user_idx before calling this}}handle_command ' Can we stay in the old mode? (address = old_address+1) && (old mode == new_mode) cmp lastIndexPlus,user_idx wzif_z cmp user_cmd,lastCommand wzif_z jmp #:execute_block_command ' we fell through, must exit the old mode! (except if the old mode was "release") cmp lastCommand,#"w" wzif_z call #stop_mb_write cmp lastCommand,#"r" wz if_z call #stop_mb_read ' and start up the new mode! cmp user_cmd,#"w" wzif_z call #start_mb_write cmp user_cmd,#"r" wzif_z call #start_mb_read cmp user_cmd,#"z" wzif_z call #release_DO:execute_block_command ' track the (new) last index and command mov lastIndexPlus,user_idx add lastIndexPlus,#1 mov lastCommand,user_cmd ' do the block read or write or terminate! cmp user_cmd,#"w" wzif_z call #write_single_block cmp user_cmd,#"r" wzif_z call #read_single_block cmp user_cmd,#"z" wzif_z mov user_cmd,#0 ' donehandle_command_ret ret {=== these PASM functions get me in and out of multiblock mode ===}release_DO ' we're already out of multiblock mode, so ' deselect the card and send out some clocks or outa,maskCS call #in8 call #in8 ' if you are using pull-up resistors, and need all ' lines tristated, then uncomment the following line. ' for Cluso99 'mov dira,#0release_DO_ret ret start_mb_read movi block_cmd,#CMD18<<1 call #send_SPI_command_fast start_mb_read_ret retstop_mb_read movi block_cmd,#CMD12<<1 call #send_SPI_command_fast call #busy_faststop_mb_read_ret retstart_mb_write movi block_cmd,#CMD25<<1 call #send_SPI_command_faststart_mb_write_ret retstop_mb_write call #busy_fast ' only some cards need these extra clocks mov tmp1,#16:loopity call #in8 djnz tmp1,#:loopity ' done with hack movi phsa,#$FD<<1 call #out8 call #in8 ' stuff byte call #busy_faststop_mb_write_ret retsend_SPI_command_fast ' make sure we have control of the output lines mov dira,maskAll ' make sure the CS line transitions low or outa,maskCS andn outa,maskCS ' 8 clocks call #in8 ' send the data mov phsa,block_cmd ' do which ever block command this is (already in the top 8 bits) call #out8 ' write the byte mov phsa,user_idx ' read in the desired block index shl phsa,adrShift ' this will multiply by 512 (bytes/sector) for MMC and SD call #out8 ' move out the 1st MSB ' rol phsa,#1 call #out8 ' move out the 1st MSB ' rol phsa,#1 call #out8 ' move out the 1st MSB ' rol phsa,#1 call #out8 ' move out the 1st MSB ' ' bogus CRC value call #in8 ' in8 looks like out8 with $FF ' CMD12 requires a stuff byte shr block_cmd,#24 cmp block_cmd,#CMD12 wzif_z call #in8 ' 8 clocks ' get the response mov tmp1,#9:cmd_response call #in8 test readback,#$80 wc,wzif_c djnz tmp1,#:cmd_responseif_nz neg user_cmd,readback ' done send_SPI_command_fast_ret ret busy_fast mov tmp1,N_in8_500ms:still_busy call #in8 cmp readback,#$FF wzif_nz djnz tmp1,#:still_busybusy_fast_ret retout8 andn outa,maskDI 'movi phsb,#%11_0000000 mov phsb,#0 movi frqb,#%01_0000000 rol phsa,#1 rol phsa,#1 rol phsa,#1 rol phsa,#1 rol phsa,#1 rol phsa,#1 rol phsa,#1 mov frqb,#0 ' don't shift out the final bit...already sent, but be aware ' of this when sending consecutive bytes (send_cmd, for e.g.) out8_ret ret{in8 or outa,maskDI mov ctra,readMode ' Start my clock mov frqa,#1<<7 mov phsa,#0 movi phsb,#%11_0000000 movi frqb,#%01_0000000 ' keep reading in my value, one bit at a time! (Kuneko - "Wh) shr frqa,#1 shr frqa,#1 shr frqa,#1 shr frqa,#1 shr frqa,#1 shr frqa,#1 shr frqa,#1 mov frqb,#0 ' stop the clock mov readback,phsa mov frqa,#0 mov ctra,writeModein8_ret ret}in8 neg phsa,#1' DI high mov readback,#0 ' set up my clock, and start it movi phsb,#%011_000000 movi frqb,#%001_000000 ' keep reading in my value test maskDO,ina wc rcl readback,#1 test maskDO,ina wc rcl readback,#1 test maskDO,ina wc rcl readback,#1 test maskDO,ina wc rcl readback,#1 test maskDO,ina wc rcl readback,#1 test maskDO,ina wc rcl readback,#1 test maskDO,ina wc rcl readback,#1 test maskDO,ina wc mov frqb,#0 ' stop the clock rcl readback,#1 mov phsa,#0 'DI lowin8_ret ret ' this is called more frequently than 1 Hz, and' is only called when the user command is 0.handle_time mov tmp1,cnt ' get the current timestamp add idle_time,tmp1 ' add the current time to my idle time counter sub idle_time,last_time ' subtract the last time from my idle counter (hence delta) add dtime,tmp1 ' add to my accumulator, sub dtime,last_time ' and subtract the old (adding delta) mov last_time,tmp1 ' update my "last timestamp" rdlong tmp1,#0 ' what is the clock frequency? cmpsub dtime,tmp1 wc ' if I have more than a second in my accumulator addx seconds,#0 ' then add it to "seconds" ' this part is to auto-release the card after a timeout cmp idle_time,idle_limit wz,wcif_b jmp #handle_time_ret ' don't clear if we haven't hit the limit mov user_cmd,#"z" ' we can't overdo it, the command handler makes sure neg lastIndexPlus,#1 ' reset the last block index neg user_idx,#1 ' and make this match it call #handle_command ' release the card, but don't mess with the user's request registerhandle_time_ret rethub_cog_transfer' setup for all 4 passes mov ctrb,clockXferMode mov frqb,#1 rdlong buf_ptr,bufAdr mov ops_left,#4 movd transfer_long,#speed_buffour_transfer_passes ' sync to the Hub RAM access rdlong tmp1,tmp1 ' how many long to move on this pass? (512 bytes / 4)longs / 4 passes mov tmp1,#(512 / 4 / 4) ' get my starting address right (phsb is incremented 1 per clock, so 16 each Hub access) mov phsb,buf_ptr ' write the longs, stride 4...low 2 bits of phsb are ignoredtransfer_long rdlong 0-0,phsb add transfer_long,incDest4 djnz tmp1,#transfer_long ' go back to where I started, but advanced 1 long sub transfer_long,decDestNminus1 ' offset my Hub pointer by one long per pass add buf_ptr,#4 ' do all 4 passes djnz ops_left,#four_transfer_passes ' restore the counter mode mov frqb,#0 mov phsb,#0 mov ctrb,clockLineModehub_cog_transfer_ret ret read_single_block ' where am I sending the data? movd :store_read_long,#speed_buf mov ops_left,#128 ' wait until the card is ready mov tmp1,N_in8_500ms:get_resp call #in8 cmp readback,#$FE wz if_nz djnz tmp1,#:get_respif_nz neg user_cmd,#ERR_ASM_NO_READ_TOKEN if_nz jmp #read_single_block_ret ' set DI high neg phsa,#1 ' read the data mov ops_left,#128:read_loop mov tmp1,#4 movi phsb,#%011_000000:in_byte ' Start my clock movi frqb,#%001_000000 ' keep reading in my value, BACKWARDS! (Brilliant idea by Tom Rokicki!) test maskDO,ina wc rcl readback,#8 test maskDO,ina wc muxc readback,#2 test maskDO,ina wc muxc readback,#4 test maskDO,ina wc muxc readback,#8 test maskDO,ina wc muxc readback,#16 test maskDO,ina wc muxc readback,#32 test maskDO,ina wc muxc readback,#64 test maskDO,ina wc mov frqb,#0 ' stop the clock muxc readback,#128 ' go back for more djnz tmp1,#:in_byte ' make it...NOT backwards [8^) rev readback,#0:store_read_long mov 0-0,readback ' due to some counter weirdness, we need this mov add :store_read_long,const512 djnz ops_left,#:read_loop ' set DI low mov phsa,#0 ' now read 2 trailing bytes (CRC) call #in8 ' out8 is 2x faster than in8 call #in8 ' and I'm not using the CRC anyway ' give an extra 8 clocks in case we pause for a long time call #in8 ' in8 looks like out8($FF) ' all done successfully mov idle_time,#0 mov user_cmd,#0 read_single_block_ret ret write_single_block ' where am I getting the data? (all 512 bytes / 128 longs of it?) movs :write_loop,#speed_buf ' read in 512 bytes (128 longs) from Hub RAM and write it to the card mov ops_left,#128 ' just hold your horses call #busy_fast ' $FC for multiblock, $FE for single block movi phsa,#$FC<<1 call #out8 mov phsb,#0 ' make sure my clock accumulator is right 'movi phsb,#%11_0000000:write_loop ' read 4 bytes mov phsa,speed_buf add :write_loop,#1 ' a long in LE order is DCBA rol phsa,#24 ' move A7 into position, so I can do the swizzled version movi frqb,#%010000000 ' start the clock (remember A7 is already in place) rol phsa,#1 ' A7 is going out, at the end of this instr, A6 is in place rol phsa,#1 ' A5 rol phsa,#1 ' A4 rol phsa,#1 ' A3 rol phsa,#1 ' A2 rol phsa,#1 ' A1 rol phsa,#1 ' A0 rol phsa,#17 ' B7 rol phsa,#1 ' B6 rol phsa,#1 ' B5 rol phsa,#1 ' B4 rol phsa,#1 ' B3 rol phsa,#1 ' B2 rol phsa,#1 ' B1 rol phsa,#1 ' B0 rol phsa,#17 ' C7 rol phsa,#1 ' C6 rol phsa,#1 ' C5 rol phsa,#1 ' C4 rol phsa,#1 ' C3 rol phsa,#1 ' C2 rol phsa,#1 ' C1 rol phsa,#1 ' C0 rol phsa,#17 ' D7 rol phsa,#1 ' D6 rol phsa,#1 ' D5 rol phsa,#1 ' D4 rol phsa,#1 ' D3 rol phsa,#1 ' D2 rol phsa,#1 ' D1 rol phsa,#1 ' D0 will be in place _after_ this instruction mov frqb,#0 ' shuts the clock off, _after_ this instruction djnz ops_left,#:write_loop ' write out my two (bogus, using $FF) CRC bytes call #in8 call #in8 ' now read response (I need this response, so can't spoof using out8) call #in8 and readback,#$1F cmp readback,#5 wzif_z mov user_cmd,#0 ' greatif_nz neg user_cmd,#ERR_ASM_BLOCK_NOT_WRITTEN ' oops ' send out another 8 clocks call #in8 ' all done mov idle_time,#0write_single_block_ret ret {=== Assembly Interface Variables ===}pinDO long 0 ' pin is controlled by a counterpinCLK long 0 ' pin is controlled by a counterpinDI long 0 ' pin is controlled by a countermaskDO long 0 ' mask for reading the DO line from the cardmaskDI long 0 ' mask for setting the pin high while reading maskCS long 0 ' mask = (1<<pin), and is controlled directlymaskAll long 0adrShift long 9 ' will be 0 for SDHC, 9 for MMC & SDbufAdr long 0 ' where in Hub RAM is the buffer to copy to/from?sdAdr long 0 ' where on the SD card does it read/write?writeMode long 0 ' the counter setup in NCO single ended, clocking data out on pinDI'clockOutMode long 0 ' the counter setup in NCO single ended, driving the clock line on pinCLKN_in8_500ms long 1_000_000 ' used for timeout checking in PASM'readMode long 0clockLineMode long 0clockXferMode long %11111 << 26const512 long 512const1024 long 1024incDest4 long 4 << 9decDestNminus1 long (512 / 4 - 1) << 9 {=== Initialized PASM Variables ===}seconds long 0dtime long 0idle_time long 0idle_limit long 0{=== Multiblock State Machine ===}lastIndexPlus long -1 ' state handler will check against lastIndexPlus, which will not have been -1lastCommand long 0 ' this will never be the last command.{=== Debug Logging Pointers ===}{dbg_ptr long 0dbg_end long 0'}{=== Assembly Scratch Variables ===}ops_left res 1 ' used as a counter for bytes, words, longs, whatever (start w/ # byte clocks out)readback res 1 ' all reading from the card goes through heretmp1 res 1 ' this may get used in all subroutines...don't use except in lowest user_request res 1 ' the main command variable, read in from Hub: "r"-read single, "w"-write singleuser_cmd res 1 ' used internally to handle actual commands to be executeduser_idx res 1 ' the pointer to the Hub RAM where the data block is/goesblock_cmd res 1 ' one of the SD/MMC command codes, no app-specific allowedbuf_ptr res 1 ' moving pointer to the Hub RAM bufferlast_time res 1 ' tracking the timestamp{{ 496 longs is my total available space in the cog, and I want 128 longs for eventual use as one 512- byte buffer. This gives me a total of 368 longs to use for umount, and a readblock and writeblock for both Hub RAM and Cog buffers.}}speed_buf res 128 ' 512 bytes to be used for read-ahead / write-behind'fit 467FIT 496'' MIT LICENSE{{' Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining' a copy of this software and associated documentation files' (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,' including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,' publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,' and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,' subject to the following conditions:'' The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included' in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.'' THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,' EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF' MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.' IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY' CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,' TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE' SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.}}