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Demo code for "Fish and Chips and Apache Kafka®"


The original demo programs, used in the talk

Two "proof of concept" programs:

  • - checking we can send to and receive from a Kafka service
  • - showing the basics of the Textual UI we shall use in the demonstrations

Some support code:

The demonstrations discussed in the talk:

Set up

Python version

Python 3.11 or later is needed if you want to run all of the programs.

It's actually only required for two programs:

The other demo programs should work with Python 3.10.

Install Python libraries

Make sure you're in this directory:

cd src

Create Python virtual environment

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

If you're using the Fish shell (like me) you'd activate with:

source venv/bin/

Install the necessary Python packages, using the requirements.txt file:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, you can install the specific requirements:

pip install textual aiokafka kafka-python click aiven-client

How to run the demos with Aiven

You don't need to run the demos using Aiven services, but I think it's the easiest option if you don't already have Kafka up and running.

Get an account

If you don't yet have an Aiven account, you can sign up for a free trial

Log in to Aiven

Get an authentication token, as described at Create an authentication token, copy it, and log in using the following command. You'll need to replace YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS with the email address you've registered with Aiven:

avn user login YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS --token

This will prompt you to paste in your token.

Choose a project, cloud and service plan

Aiven uses "projects" to organise which services you can access. You can list them with:

avn project list

Choose the project you want to use with the following command, replacing PROJECT_NAME with the appropriate name:

avn project switch PROJECT_NAME

You then need to decide what cloud you want to run the service in. Use:

avn cloud list

to find the clouds. Since Aiven is based out of Helsinki, I tend to choose google-europe-north1, which is Finland, but you'll want to make your own choice.

Normally, you'd also want to decide on a service plan (which determines the number of servers, the memory, CPU and disk resources for the service). You can find the service plans for a cloud using:

avn service plans --service-type kafka --cloud CLOUD_NAME

However, for the these demo programs a kafka:startup-2 plan is sufficient, and that's also the cheapest.

Create a Kafka service

Now it's time to create the actual Kafka service, using the command below.

The service name needs to be unique and can't be changed - I like to put my name in it (for instance, tibs-kafka-fish).

It's useful to set an environment variable for the service name - so in Bash you'd do:

export KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME=tibs-kafka-fish

and if you're using the Fish shell you'd do:

set -x KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME tibs-kafka-fish

The extra -c switches enable the REST API to the service (used to get some of the information available in the web console), the ability to create new topics by publishing to them (we definitely want this), and use of the schema registry (which we actually don't need in this demo, but it doesn't cost extra and is often useful).

Again, remember to replace the cloud name with the one you actually want:

avn service create $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME \
    --service-type kafka \
    --cloud google-europe-north1 \
    --plan startup-2 \
    -c kafka_rest=true \
    -c kafka.auto_create_topics_enable=true \
    -c schema_registry=true

Note If you're using an existing account which has VPCs in the region you've chosen, then you also need to specify --no-project-vpc to guarantee that you don't use the VPC.

It takes a little while for a service to start up. You can wait for it using:

avn service wait $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME

which will update you on the progress of the service, and exit when the service is RUNNING.

Download certificates

In order to let the demo programs talk to the Kafka service, you need to download the appropriate certificate files. Create a directory to put them into:

mkdir certs

and then download them:

avn service user-creds-download $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME -d certs --username avnadmin

Get the connection information

To connect to the Kafka service, you need its service URI. You can find that out with:

avn service get $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME --format '{service_uri}'

It's useful to put that into an environment variable. With Bash, you can do:

export KAFKA_SERVICE_URI=$(avn service get $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME --format '{service_uri}')

and if you're using the Fish shell that's

set -x KAFKA_SERVICE_URI (avn service get $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME --format '{service_uri}')

Exploring your service

To find out more information about a Kafka topic, look at the documentation for avn service topic.

You can also find useful information about a service using the Aiven web console, on the Services page for your Kafka service.

Run a demo

And now you're ready to run the demo programs

In general, if you've put certificates into the certs directory, and set the KAFKA_SERVICE_URI environment variable (and others we'll come to later), then you can just run the demo programs with no arguments. For instance:


You can get help with the --help switch.

If you want to be more explicit, you can also specify the Kafka service URI with the -k switch, and the certificates directory with the -c switch. For instance:

./ \
    -k \
    -d certs


./ -k $KAFKA_SERVICE_URI -d certs

Note demo programs 1 through 4 will just run. The other demos, which relate to the "homework" mentioned in the talk, have extra setup - see homework solutions for how to use them.

Log files

Each of the demo programs (the ones whose names start with demo) write logs to a file called demoN.log - so writes log messages to demo1.log and so on.

The logs are useful for understanding what the program is actually doing, and also for working out what is wrong if things fail. We use a log file because writing the logs to the terminal would interfere with the terminal UI.

After you're done

If you're not using your Kafka service for a while, and don't mind losing any data in its event stream, then it makes sense to power it off, as you don't get charged (real money or free trial credits) when a service is powered off.

You can power off the service (remember, this will discard all your data) with:

avn service update $KAFKA_SERVICE --power-off

and bring it back again with:

avn service update $KAFKA_SERVICE --power-on

This will take a little while to finish, so wait for it with:

avn service wait KAFKA_FISH_DEMO

If you've entirely finished using the Kafka service, you can delete it with:

avn service terminate KAFKA_FISH_DEMO

Other things to do

Homework projects suggested in the talk:

  1. Use a Redis® cache to simulate the cook preparing food for the hot cabinet. There's a brief summary in the slides. For extra credit, also have the cook "wake up" periodically to check if they need to cook more cod or chips to keep the amount in the hot cabinet at the right level.

  2. Use a JDBC Kafka Connector to send orders from the main topic to a PostgreSQL® database, and then add a widget to the demo that queries that database periodically and updates a panel with some summary information (perhaps as simple as the total count of cod, chip and plaice orders).

    There are two more demos below (demo5 and demo6) that show how to use a JDBC Kafka Connector in the context of this code - although they don't add in the extra widget to show summary information.

Let me know if you play with these ideas!

Homework solutions

Following are programs that look at some of the work suggested in Other things to do.

All of the following assume you've already done the first few demos, especially the set up.

Write to PostgreSQL with a JDBC Kafka Connector and JSON

Our demo code is a version of that also works with a JDBC connector to send JSON data to PostgreSQL.

  • It add JSON schema information to our messages, so the JDBC connector can understand their content.
  • It simplifies the message format a bit, since the JDBC connector only supports basic PostgreSQL datatypes.
  • It adds a timestamp to the messages, to be used as a unique key in the database table. We could used the count value, but that's going to restart from 0 each time we run the demo, and things would fail when we try to insert a record with an already existing key.

Note If we were using Avro messages, we could use Karapace to "tell" both ends of the data process what schema was being used for messages, but the JSON mechanism doesn't currently support that, so we need to have an explicit schema in each message.

Create a PostgreSQL database

First create the PostgreSQL database (note: a free tier database will do, or a hobbyist plan should be plenty).

Lets set the database name as an environment variable - in Bash that's:

export PG_SERVICE_NAME tibs-pg-fish

and in the Fish shell:

set -x PG_SERVICE_NAME tibs-pg-fish

Then create the service. It's sensible to put it into the same cloud/region as the Kafka service - although if you're using a free PostgreSQL, that may not be possible - luckily it's not critical for a demo like this.

avn service create $PG_SERVICE_NAME \
      --service-type pg \
      --cloud google-europe-north1 \
      --plan hobbyist

and again wait for it to finish starting up:

avn service wait $PG_SERVICE_NAME

Create the target database table

Next we need to connect to the PostgreSQL database and create a table to write to. Here I'm using the avn command to connect to the database, but you could equally use psql or whatever other tool you prefer.

Note If you go to the Connection Information page for the Aiven for PostgreSQL service, the Quick Connect button can be used to show the ways to connect with a variety of tools.

avn service cli $PG_SERVICE_NAME
CREATE TABLE demo5_cod_and_chips (
   "order_time" bigint primary key,
   "count" integer not null,
   "order" text[] not null);

Note we need to quote the column name order because it is also a PostgreSQL keyword, so we might as well quote all of the column names (here's an explanation).

int64 in the JSON schema maps to bigint in PostgreSQL, and an array of strings is text[].

Upgrade the Aiven for Apache Kafka service to allow service integrations

Since we're going to use a JDBC connector with our Kafka, that means using a service integration (between Kafka and our PostrgreSQL database), and so we need to upgrade our Kafka to a plan that will support service integrations, like business-4, and then switch Kafka Connect on so we can use them.

avn service update $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME \
      --plan business-4 \
      -c kafka_connect=true

and again wait for the service to finish updating itself:

avn service wait $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME

Set up the sink connector configuration

We're now going to follow the instructions at Create a JDBC sink connector to PostgreSQL® on a topic with a JSON schema

We need the values for DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_NAME, DB_SSL_MODE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD. To find those, go to the service page for the Postgres service in the Aiven Console, select the Overview, and look in the Connection Information. We use those values to create a file called pg_avro_sink.json, using the following as a template:

    "connector.class": "io.aiven.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector",
    "topics": "demo5-cod-and-chips",
    "": "true",
    "connection.url": "jdbc:postgresql://DB_HOST:DB_PORT/DB_NAME?sslmode=DB_SSL_MODE",
    "connection.user": "DB_USERNAME",
    "connection.password": "DB_PASSWORD",
    "auto.create": "false",
    "auto.evolve": "false",
    "insert.mode": "insert",
    "delete.enabled": "false",
    "pk.mode": "record_value",
    "pk.fields": "order_time",
    "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"
  1. I've changed the connector name to something more appropriate.

  2. The value for topics needs to match the topic name specified in - that is, demo5-cod-and-chips.

  3. By default, the table written to will have the same name as the topic. Since that includes - characters, we want to set to true, which means the table name will be demo5_cod_and_chips

  4. The value for pk.fields is "order_time", and that together with the value for pk.mode says to use the order_time field from the message as its key.

  5. We set auto.create to false because we have already created our target table, and don't need it creating for us. Similarly, we set auto.evolve to false because we don't want its schema to be changed for us.

  6. We set insert.mode to "insert" because we should only be inserting new records. For PostgreSQL, upsert would do INSERT .. ON CONFLICT .. DO UPDATE SET .., which will update a row if it already exists. In theory we don't want that, as each order shoud be unique. In practice, for a demo, this might actually be a problem, as restarting the demo program will restart count from 0 again. We'll see what happens in practice.

All the upper case values come from appropriate places in the Aiven Console, or can doubtless be found using avn service commands, with the exception of USER_INFO, which is meant to be left as it is.

Create the sink connector

Now we should be able to create the connector:

avn service connector create $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME @pg_json_sink.json

Note It's possible to specify the JSON at the command line, but generally easier to set it up correctly in a file with a text editor, and then use that.

To get a list of the service connectors (as a JSON structure) attached to this Kafka, use:

avn service connector list $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME

To find out more about the connector, go to the Aiven console and the service page for our Kafka, and look at the Connectors tab. If there are errors, then you'll see a warning triangle symbol next to the "Tasks" value for the connector, and clicking on that will give the Java stacktrace.

We can check the status of the connector as follows:

avn service connector status $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME sink_fish_chips_json_schema

Run the demo program

We can now run the program:


it should work as we expect, showing the Till and FoodPreparer like As normal, we can stop it by typing q.

If we go back to the database, we can check the content of the table. For instance:

select * from demo5_cod_and_chips ;

The results should be something like the following (depending on what the program did, and how long it ran):

  order_time   | count |              order
 1689159326316 |     1 | {"cod & chips"}
 1689159327797 |     2 | {"cod & chips","chips & chips"}
 1689159329195 |     3 | {"cod & chips","chips & chips"}
 1689159330643 |     4 | {"cod & chips"}
 1689159332059 |     5 | {"cod & chips","chips & chips"}
 1689159333343 |     6 | {"cod & chips"}

Deleting the sink connector

If you want to delete the connector, then use:

avn service connector delete $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME sink_fish_chips_json_schema

Is an array of strings a better order structure?

Is the array of strings actually a better representation of an order than an array of arrays of strings? In a real situation, we'd have "names" for menu items - hence "chips & chips" would actually be "large chips", and the price for "cod & chips" might be different than the sum of the prices for "cod" and "chips".

In terms of "is there plaice in this order" it doesn't make a lot of difference - in the original structure, we're looking for the string "plaice" in a list of lists, and in the later structure, we're looking for plaice to occur in the strings in a (flat) list.

And, of course, we're not actually doing that search in demo5 anyway.

Also, in "real life", we might have a lookup table from "menu item" to "necessary ingredients" - consider the traditional menu item "fish supper", which we'd probably interpret as meaning "cod & chips".

Write to PostgreSQL with a JDBC Kafka Connector, Avro and Karapace

Our demo code is a version of that uses Avro instead of JSON.

  1. It gains a command line option for the Karapace URI (and an equivalent default to the environment variable we've set).
  2. It registers its Avro schema with Karapace, and notes the schema id.
  3. It encodes messages (before sending) using its own copy of that schema.
  4. It decodes messages (after receiving) using its own copy of that schema.
  5. It adds the schema id to each message so that the JDBC connector can look the schema up and know how to intrepret the Avro messages.

If we don't want to pass the schema information with every message, then we need to use a schema repository, so that both sender and receiver can use to interpret the messages (in the exact same way).

We're going to use karapace which is an open source schema repository for Apache Kafka, and Apache Avro™ which is a serialization format for messages. The JDBC connector knows how to query Karapace for the schema of Avro messages, and can thus tell how to write their data to PostgreSQL.

Aiven for Apache Kafka services have in-built support for Karapace (you may have noticed us specifying the schema_registry=true option when we created our Kafka service).

Create a PostgreSQL database

You can skip this section if you already created the database for demo5, above - but make sure that the environment variable $PG_SERVICE_NAME is still set correctly.

Otherwise, let's create one now (note: a free tier database will do, or a hobbyist plan should be plenty).

Lets set the database name as an environment variable - in Bash that's:

export PG_SERVICE_NAME tibs-pg-fish

and in the Fish shell:

set -x PG_SERVICE_NAME tibs-pg-fish

Then create the service. It's sensible to put it into the same cloud/region as the Kafka service - although if you're using a free PostgreSQL, that may not be possible - luckily it's not critical for a demo like this.

avn service create $PG_SERVICE_NAME \
      --service-type pg \
      --cloud google-europe-north1 \
      --plan hobbyist

and again wait for it to finish starting up:

avn service wait $PG_SERVICE_NAME

Create the target database table

Next we need to connect to the PostgreSQL database and create a table to write to. Here I'm using the avn command to connect to the database, but you could equally use psql or whatever other tool you prefer.

Note If you go to the Connection Information page for the Aiven for PostgreSQL service, the Quick Connect button can be used to show the ways to connect with a variety of tools.

avn service cli $PG_SERVICE_NAME
CREATE TABLE demo6_cod_and_chips (
   "order_time" bigint primary key,
   "count" integer not null,
   "order" text[] not null);

(We're creating a new database for this new demo, but the schema for the database is the same.)

Note we need to quote the column name order because it is also a PostgreSQL keyword, so we might as well quote all of the column names (here's an explanation).

int64 in the JSON schema maps to bigint in PostgreSQL, and an array of strings is text[].

Upgrade the Aiven for Apache Kafka service to allow service integrations

Again, if you already followed the instructions for demo5, you can skip this section. Otherwise, let's upgrade our service.

Since we're going to use a JDBC connector with our Kafka, that means using a service integration (between Kafka and our PostrgreSQL database), and so we need to upgrade our Kafka to a plan that will support service integrations, like business-4, and then switch Kafka Connect on so we can use them.

avn service update $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME \
      --plan business-4 \
      -c kafka_connect=true

and again wait for the service to finish updating itself:

avn service wait $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME

Remember the schema registry URI

Set an environment variable to the schema registry URI: Using bash:

export SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URI=$(avn service get tibs-kafka-fish --json | jq -r '.connection_info.schema_registry_uri')

Using the Fish shell:

set -x SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URI (avn service get tibs-kafka-fish --json | jq -r '.connection_info.schema_registry_uri')

Install extra Python packages

In order to use Avro for our messages, we need to install a Python package that understands the format. We shall use the Apache avro package:

pip install avro

We're also going to need httpx (a more modern alternative to requests) which we'll use to talk to Karapace:

pip install httpx

Set up the sink connector configuration

This time we're following the instructions at Define a Kafka Connect configuration file which assumes Avro and Karapace.

We need the values for DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_NAME, DB_SSL_MODE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD. To find those, go to the service page for the Postgres service in the Aiven Console, select the Overview, and look in the Connection Information.

We need the values APACHE_KAFKA_HOST, SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PORT, SCHEMA_REGISTRY_USER and SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PASSWORD. To find those, go to the service page for the Kafka service in the Aiven Console, select the Overview, and look in the Schema Registry tab of the Connection Information.

We use those values to create a file called pg_avro_sink.json, using the following as a template:

    "connector.class": "io.aiven.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector",
    "topics": "demo6_cod_and_chips",
    "connection.url": "DB_CONNECTION_URL",
    "connection.user": "DB_USERNAME",
    "connection.password": "DB_PASSWORD",
    "auto.create": "false",
    "auto.evolve": "false",
    "insert.mode": "insert",
    "delete.enabled": "false",
    "pk.mode": "record_key",
    "pk.fields": "order_time",
    "key.converter": "io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter",
    "key.converter.schema.registry.url": "https://APACHE_KAFKA_HOST:SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PORT",
    "key.converter.basic.auth.credentials.source": "USER_INFO",
    "value.converter": "io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter",
    "value.converter.schema.registry.url": "https://APACHE_KAFKA_HOST:SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PORT",
    "value.converter.basic.auth.credentials.source": "USER_INFO",
  1. We've set the name of the connector to indicate we're using Avro and Karapace

  2. The value for topics needs to match the topic name specified in - that is, demo6_cod_and_chips.

    Unlike the other demo programs, this topic name contains underscores rather than hyphens, because we want it to match the Avro schema name, and Avro names don't allow hyphens.

  3. By default, the table written to will have the same name as the topic. The topic name demo6_cod_and_chips is a legal PostgreSQL table name, so we don't need to specify "": "true".

  4. The value for pk.fields is "order_time", and that together with the value for pk.mode says to use the order_time field from the message as its key.

  5. We set auto.create to false because we have already created our target table, and don't need it creating for us. Similarly, we set auto.evolve to false because we don't want its schema to be changed for us.

  6. We set insert.mode to "insert" because we should only be inserting new records. For PostgreSQL, upsert would do INSERT .. ON CONFLICT .. DO UPDATE SET .., which will update a row if it already exists. In theory we don't want that, as each order shoud be unique. In practice, for a demo, this might actually be a problem, as restarting the demo program will restart count from 0 again. We'll see what happens in practice.

All the upper case values come from appropriate places in the Aiven Console, or can doubtless be found using avn service commands, with the exception of USER_INFO, which is meant to be left as it is.

Create the sink connector

So let's create our connector:

avn service connector create $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME @pg_avro_sink.json

Note It's possible to specify the JSON at the command line, but generally easier to set it up correctly in a file with a text editor, and then use that.

To get a list of the service connectors (as a JSON structure) attached to this Kafka, use:

avn service connector list $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME

To find out more about the connector, go to the Aiven console and the service page for our Kafka, and look at the Connectors tab. If there are errors, then you'll see a warning triangle symbol next to the "Tasks" value for the connector, and clicking on that will give the Java stacktrace.

We can check the status of the connector as follows:

avn service connector status $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME sink_fish_chips_avro_karapace

Run the demo program

We can now run the program:


it should work as we expect, showing the Till and FoodPreparer like As normal, we can stop it by typing q.

If we go back to the database, we can check the content of the table. For instance:

select * from demo6_cod_and_chips ;

The results should be something like the following (depending on what the program did, and how long it ran):

defaultdb=> select * from demo6_cod_and_chips ;
  order_time   | count |              order
 1689238490892 |     1 | {"cod & chips"}
 1689238492138 |     2 | {"cod & chips"}
 1689238493296 |     3 | {chips}
 1689238494749 |     4 | {"cod & chips"}
 1689238495998 |     5 | {"cod & chips","chips & chips"}
 1689238497410 |     6 | {"cod & chips","chips & chips"}
 1689238498697 |     7 | {"cod & chips"}
 1689238499737 |     8 | {chips}

Deleting the sink connector

If you want to delete the connector, then use:

avn service connector delete $KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME sink_fish_chips_avro_karapace

More information on how the JDBC connector works with Avro messages

We're using the io.aiven.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector, which is an Apache 2 licensed fork of the Confluent kafka-connect-jdbc sink connector, from before it changed license (the Confluent connector is no longer Open Source).

Our pg_avro_sink.json configuration says:

"value.converter": "io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter"

which is telling the connector to use the Confluent io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter to "pick apart" the message and work out what to insert into the PostgreSQL database.

Note The io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter source code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

The schema registry connection information for the JDBC connector is specified in the JSON configuration file (pg_avro_sink.json in our case). However, the schema that the connector will use to decode the Avro messages (so it can write to the sink database) is not specified in the configuration file.

Instead, the AvroConverter expects each Avro message to start with an extra 5 bytes: a single byte containing 0, and four bytes containing the schema id. includes code to add these bytes to each message.

Note It's perfectly possible and reasonable to send unaltered Avro messages through Kafka - it works as you'd expect, since Kafka is just dealing with bytes. However, the JDBC connector AvroConverter won't be able to do its job with ordinary Avro messages.

See the documentation at Confluent Developer > Platform > Schema Management > Fundamentals > Schema Formats > WIre format for details of the message header.

The AvroConverter appears to follow Confluent's Subject name strategy, which means that when it looks up the registry id, it expects to find a registry with the same base name as the topic. The actual schema name then needs to end with -value for a value registry, and -key for a key registry.

Since we're not using a separate key for our messages (we're getting the key from the order_time value in the message itself), we only need one schema. We need a -value schema, and don't need a -key schema.

Note *It may be possible to alter this behaviour with the configuration file, but it didn't seem worth trying for this demo.

All of this means that the demo program makes sure to register the Avro schema at $SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URI/subjects/demo6_cod_and_chips-value/versions, using the topic name and -value.

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Thanks to the Stack Overflow article Textual (Python TUI) - Enabling long-running, external asyncio functionality for helping me understand some things when I was first writing these demo programs.

CC-Attribution-ShareAlike image

This talk and its related files are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The source code for the demo programs is dual-licensed as CC Attribution Share Alike and MIT.