diff --git a/smart-app-launch/README.md b/smart-app-launch/README.md
index 03583b6..bf69dea 100644
--- a/smart-app-launch/README.md
+++ b/smart-app-launch/README.md
@@ -1,65 +1,131 @@
-# Launch growth-chart smart app on Aidbox and auth and login via KeyCloack
+# Aidbox Smart App Launch Demo
+This demo showcases the Smart App EHR and Patient [launch flows](https://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/app-launch.html).
+## Components
-``` sh
-docker compose up
-aidbox - http://localhost:8080
-keycloak - http://localhost:8888
-growth-chart - http://localhost:9000
+1. [Aidbox](https://docs.aidbox.app/) TODO: Add link to Audbox smart documentation
+ FHIR server with SMART-on-FHIR support.
+2. [Keycloak](https://www.keycloak.org/)
+ dentity and Access Management solution that integrates with Aidbox through the [IdentityProvider](https://docs.aidbox.app/modules/security-and-access-control/set-up-external-identity-provider) resource.
+3. [Growth Chart Smart App](https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/growth-chart-app)
+ A SMART pediatric web application that displays patient growth charts based on their observations.
+4. **Demo Launcher Page**
+ A web page that emulates EHR patient context selection.
-## EHR launch
+## Prerequisites
-### Patient launch
+- [Docker](https://www.docker.com/)
+- Cloned repository: [Github: Aidbox/examples](https://github.com/Aidbox/examples/tree/main)
+- Working directory: `smart-app-launch`
-Open http://localhost:7070/launcher.html (Demo Smart APP launcher)
+To clone the repository and navigate to the `smart-app-launch` directory, run:
-Need launch uri
-``` curl-config
-POST /rpc
-method: aidbox.smart/get-launch-uri
- user: patient
- iss: http://localhost:8080
- client: growth_chart
- ctx:
- patient: patient
+``` sh
+git clone git@github.com:Aidbox/examples.git && cd examples/smart-app-launch
-login using KeyCloack
-username: provider
-password: provider
+## Step 1: Run Demo Components
-### Provider launch
+Start all the demo components by running:
-``` curl-config
-POST /rpc
-method: aidbox.smart/get-launch-uri
- user: provider
- iss: http://localhost:8080
- client: growth_chart
- ctx:
- patient: patient
+docker compose up
-## Stand alone launch
-### Patient launch
-`user.fhirUser` should be ref to Patient
-login using KeyCloack
-username: patient
-password: patient
+Wait until all components are pulled and started. The components are accessible at:
+- Aidbox - http://localhost:8080
+- Keycloak - http://localhost:8888
+- Growth Chart - http://localhost:9000
+- Demo Launcher Page - http://localhost:7070/launcher.html
+## Step 2: Open launcher Page
+Open the [Demo Launcher Page](http://localhost:7070/launcher.html).
+- **Left Side:** A list of patients retrieved from Aidbox, simulating EHR patient context selection.
+- **Right Side:** A Patient Standalone Launch with a pre-selected patient context, simulating a launch directly from the SMART App.
+## Step 3: Perform EHR Launch
+**3.1** Select a patient from the list on the left side and click the `Launch Growth Chart App` button to start the launch process.
+**3.2** On the Aidbox login screen, click the `Sign in with Keycloak` button.
+**3.3** Log in to Keycloak with username `patient` and password `password`
+**3.4** On the consent screen, allow all requested scopes.
+**3.5** View the patient's data in the Growth Chart app.
+## Step 4: Perform Patient Standalone Launch
+**4.1** Go back to the [Demo Launcher](http://localhost:7070/launcher.html)
+**4.2** On the right side of the screen, click the **Launch Growth Chart App** button under Patient Standalone Launch.
+**4.2** On the consent screen, allow all requested scopes.
+**4.3** View the patient's data in the Growth Chart app.
+## EHR Launch Interaction Diagram
+ actor Customer as User
+ participant EHR as EHR
(Demo Launcher)
+ participant Aidbox as Aidbox
+ participant Keycloak as Keycloak
+ participant Smart App as Growth Chart
+ Note right of EHR: Communicates with Aidbox
using HTTP basic auth
+ Customer ->> EHR: Launch Smart App
+ activate EHR
+ EHR ->> Smart App: Launch context
+ deactivate EHR
+ activate Smart App
+ Smart App ->> Aidbox: Redirect to /auth/login?response_type=code&client_id....
+ deactivate Smart App
+ activate Aidbox
+ Aidbox ->> Keycloak: Redirect to Keycloak Login page
+ deactivate Aidbox
+ activate Keycloak
+ Note right of Keycloak: Login in with keycloak creds
+ Keycloak ->> Aidbox: Response with code
+ deactivate Keycloak
+ activate Aidbox
+ Aidbox ->> Keycloak: Request to exchange code to token
+ deactivate Aidbox
+ activate Keycloak
+ Keycloak ->> Aidbox: Return token
+ deactivate Keycloak
+ activate Aidbox
+ Aidbox ->> Keycloak: Retrive user info
+ deactivate Aidbox
+ activate Keycloak
+ Keycloak ->> Aidbox: Return user info
+ deactivate Keycloak
+ activate Aidbox
+ Aidbox ->> Aidbox: Create User resource in Aidbox
+ Aidbox ->> Customer: Show the Grant screen
+ deactivate Aidbox
+ activate Customer
+ Customer ->> Aidbox: Allow requested scopes
+ deactivate Customer
+ activate Aidbox
+ Aidbox ->> Aidbox: Checks granted permissions
+ Aidbox ->> Smart App: Redirect with code
+ deactivate Aidbox
+ activate Smart App
+ Smart App ->> Aidbox: Request /auth/token
to exchange code to token
+ deactivate Smart App
+ activate Aidbox
+ Aidbox ->> Smart App: Return token
+ deactivate Aidbox
+ activate Smart App
+ Smart App ->> Aidbox: Request /Observation and /Patient/ with token
+ deactivate Smart App
+ activate Aidbox
+ Aidbox ->> Aidbox: Validate scopes from token
+ Aidbox ->> Smart App: Return Observations and Patient
+ deactivate Aidbox
+ activate Smart App
+ Smart App ->> Customer: Show patient's data
+ deactivate Smart App
-### Provider launch - not supported