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aqreed edited this page Nov 6, 2016 · 37 revisions

Welcome to the PyFME wiki!

PyFME 🚀 ✈️ stands for Python Flight Mechanics Engine.

The purpose behind PyFME is to build a library that simulates the motion of an aircraft in the air, and to do so, the modeling of all the physics involved in flying is carried out. The following folders can be found in the source code folder:

  • aircraft (fixed-wing). An aircraft class has been defined and the current workbench is the Cessna 172, while the previous Cessna 310 model is deprecated. As of the v0.1, the aircraft class includes:
  1. Aerodynamic model obtained mainly with DATCOM
  2. Propulsion model calculater with JavaProp
  • environment, where the following models can be found:
  1. an atmosphere class implemented for the ISA1976
  2. a gravity class with a few models (the simplest one is been currently used)
  3. a wind class to add a constant effect or simulate gusts (not used yet).
  4. an environment class, which amalgamates the previous ones.
  1. a constants file
  2. the Flight Dynamics equations (Euler) that govern the motion of the aircraft define as functions
  3. the systems file, with classes and methods that integrates the above equations and computes the state vector
  • utils, which contains the following tools:
  1. altimetry functions
  2. anemometry functions
  3. coordinates functions to change coordinates between different systems of reference
  4. input_generator functions that simulate the input from a pilot's joystick
  5. trimmer, which helps to adequate the aircraft initial conditions to the desire attitude and flight pattern

It is our intention to have updated tests for all the models and methods, keeping up with the progress of the code.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you want to participate! 🤘

This wiki contains:

🚀 What do I need to start collaborating? [ES]

:octocat: Information about our workflow.

📝 Some coding rules and conventions such us pep8, and our list of symbols.

📅 Our meeting minutes:

Coming soon:

❓ FAQs.

📍 Roadmap.

:shipit: Developer's guide.