JumpStart Live (JSL)
- Review your Election time solution and be prepared to talk with others about your code
- Review the Iterator notes from JumpStart
- Watch Day 3 Videos (~33 minutes)
- Review lesson notes for Day 3
- Complete the exercises and be prepared to discuss them with others in class
- Understand and be able to use iterators and loops
- Share what you learned from our last session about conditionals
- Walk your partner though your Election time code focusing on using programming vocabulary (e.g, blocks, loops, iterator, variable assignment, conditional statement)
- Write a program that allows a user to play a guessing number game. Your program should generate a random number between 0 – 1000 (including 0, but not including 1000). Allow the user to make a guess until they guess the answer. After each guess you should print "higher" or "lower". When they guess it correctly print a winning message along with their total number of guesses.
Guess my number: 10
Guess my number: 200
Guess my number: 150
Guess my number: 160
Guess my number: 161
- Write a program that plays duck duck goose. Allow the user to enter the player's number they want to call goose on, and then say "duck" for each player before the "goose", then say "goose" for the chosen player.
Which player do you want to Goose? 5
Player 1: Duck
Player 2: Duck
Player 3: Duck
Player 4: Duck
Player 5: Goose
Write a program that allows a user to enter the number of petals on a flower. Then one by one, print “plucking petal #1: they love me!”. Alternate “They love me” and “They love me not” as well as increase the petal number for each petal.
You don't trust your users. Modify the program below to require the user to enter the same value twice in order to add that value to the total.
puts "Hello! We are going to total some numbers!"
puts "Enter a negative number to quit."
total = 0
input = gets.chomp.to_i
while input > -1
total += input
input = gets.chomp.to_i
puts "Result: #{total}"
Hello! We are going to total some numbers!
Enter a negative number to quit.
Result: 5
- What different types of loops and iterators did we learn about today?
- What topics are you still struggling with?
- What did you especially enjoy about today's class?
- What can be improved for future classes?
- Day 3 Videos
- Iterator notes from JumpStart
- Revise your code for exercises for the day based on discussions in class, then share the gist with the instructors
- Review the Iterator notes from JumpStart
- Watch Day 4 Videos (~8 minutes)
- Review lesson notes for Day 4
- Complete the Day 4 exercise and be prepared to discuss it with others in class