A collection of classes used to sanitize common things like email, phone, and zip codes.
composer require actengage/sanitize
You may optionally publish the config file.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=sanitize-config
use Actengage\Sanitize\Facades\Sanitize;
Sanitize::email(' JOHN.doe @gmail '); // [email protected]
Sanitize::phone('(888) 555-1234'); // 8885551234
Sanitize::zip('12345'); // 12345
You can easily cast Eloquent attribute as sanitized values.
use Actengage\Sanitize\Casts\Email;
use Actengage\Sanitize\Casts\Phone;
use Actengage\Sanitize\Casts\Zip;
class User extends Model {
protected $guarded = [];
protected $casts = [
'email' => Email::class,
'phone' => Phone::class,
'zip' => Zip::class,
$user = User::create([
'email' => '[email protected]',
'phone' => '1-800-555-1234',
'zip' => '1234',
dd($user->email); // [email protected]
dd($user->phone); // 8005001234
dd($user->zip); // 01234
You may add to the default sanitizers in the config/sanitize.php
use Actengage\Sanitize\Sanitizers\Email;
use Actengage\Sanitize\Sanitizers\Phone;
use Actengage\Sanitize\Sanitizers\Zip;
return [
| Sanitizers
| This value is an array of invokable classes that implement the Sanitizer
| interface. These are the default macros associated with the Sanitizer
| instance.
| use Actengage\Sanitize\Facades\Sanitize;
| Sanitize::email('test @test.com'); // [email protected]
| Sanitize::phone('(888) 555-1234'); // 8885551234
| Sanitize::zip('12345-1234'); // 123451234
'sanitizers' => [
'email' => Email::class,
'phone' => Phone::class,
'zip' => Zip::class,
You may also add additional sanitizer functions using the macro.
Sanitize::macro('test', function($value) {
return round($value) * 100;
Sanitize::test(100.1234); // 10000