Find out which real estate agent in the Netherlands has the most properties for sale at Funda. Get a list of top N agents for specific search criteria:
- location (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, etc)
- and outdoor space type (Balcony, Roof, Garden, etc).
ASP.NET Core 6, .NET 6, C#
Solution is built using Clean Architecture + CQRS and asynchronous processing of a long-running request (like fetching a large set of objects listed in Funda).
- Business logic is located in
. - Tired to use generated WCF Service Reference ( but it keept failing with non-self-explanatory errors so I moved to calling the service from http client.
- Retries and circuit breaker policies are implemented in
(ServiceCollectionExtensions). Also there isHttpMessageHandlerFactory.RateLimiter
to handle the Funda's "rate limiter" - API requests are limited to 100 requests per minute. - Apply
for Funda search queries to avoid a"Page drift"
when new objects are added during the fetch. - To support idempotent
(CreateRetrieval) we have to delegate the creation of unique search identifiers to trusted clients.
We don't know the size of the dataset to be processed, Funda can store millions of objects listed for sale. So processing all of them synchronously (within a single long-running API request/response call) does not make any sense if we want to have a scalable solution.
%% This diagram needs to be rendered, for example, GitHub renders it by default.
Note over Client: Requests an retrieval
Client->>+Web.Api: [POST] /TopRealEstateAgentsRetrievals { "newRetrievalId": "...", "location": "..." }
Web.Api-->>-Client: [202] { "retrievalId": "..." }
Note over Client,Web.Api: Request for agents' retrieval is accepted
rect rgb(191, 223, 255)
Note over Client: Polls the retrieval
Client->>+Web.Api: [GET] /TopRealEstateAgentsRetrievals/{retrievalId}
Web.Api-->>-Client: [200] { "status": "Enqueued" }
Note over Client,Web.Api: The retrieval is not launched yet
Client->>+Web.Api: [GET] /TopRealEstateAgentsRetrievals/{retrievalId}
Web.Api-->>-Client: [200] { "status": "InProgress", "progress": { "Total": 120, "Fetched": 10 } }
Note over Client,Web.Api: The retrieval is launched
Client->>+Web.Api: [GET] /TopRealEstateAgentsRetrievals/{retrievalId}
Web.Api-->>-Client: [200] { "status": "Completed", "progress": { "Total": 120, "Fetched": 120 }, "agents": [...] }
Note over Client,Web.Api: The retrieval is completed, and "agents" array is populated in the response
%% This diagram needs to be rendered, for example, GitHub renders it by default.
flowchart TB
C-- POST retrieval query -->WebApi-- pushes message to queue --> Queue
WebApi-- returns retrieval id back -->C
Worker<-- waits for a message -->Queue
Worker<-- fetches the data --> ApiClient
Worker-- stores the fetch progress --> KVStore
- Restore NuGet packages.
- Make all 3 projects
to be Multiple Startup Projects (with Action'Start'
) in Visual Studio (VS) so that when you run the solution all of them start at the same time. - Run the solution from VS.
- Look into
- Restore NuGet packages.
- Make the following 2 projects
to be Multiple Startup Projects (with Action'Start'
) in Visual Studio (VS) so that when you run the solution all of them start at the same time. - Run the solution from VS.
- Run the following command to issue a fetch request (or use a Swagger UI) that will be enqueued and processed asynchronously by a background worker. The Api will return you
(Guid) that is required to receive the result of the background fetch:
curl -X 'POST' \
'https://localhost:7215/v1/TopRealEstateAgentsRetrievals' \
-H 'accept: text/plain' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"newRetrievalId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"location": "Amsterdam",
"outdoors": ["Tuin"],
"topNumberOfAgents": 10
- Poll the following command to see the fetch process:
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://localhost:7215/v1/TopRealEstateAgentsRetrievals/3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6' \
-H 'accept: text/plain'
- Add some integration tests
- Configure CI (GitHub actions)
- Move secrets out of the configs (some kind of key secrets storage is needed)
- Use proper database/data stores