- File Names are to be written in
(akaupper camel case
This rule must be applied for any files withinsrc
, accept for the master file "kLibInfo"
- Class names within files are always to be written in
(akaupper camel case
Normal Functions
Names must be written incamelCase
(akalower camel case
). -
DSL Functions
Names of functions forming a DSL may be written inCamelCase
(akaupper camel case
) rather thencamelCase
(akalower camel case
Run the kotlin linter Process (make lint) to make sure you have a correct code syntax.
Make sure to have the linter by running ./scripts/get_ktlint.sh
In this project we use the programming language
and NO OTHER. -
In this project we use the language
- In this project we use LF (Unix) File endings and NO OTHER.
Opening Parentheses (
) always are to be positioned at the line definition lines of Functions and (any kind of) Classes. -
Closing Parentheses (
) are to be placed normally at the end of a block at the correct indent position. -
Parentheses may only be multi-lined of the content exceeds the Width of your monitor and/or makes the code more readable.
Declarative comments must be written above of Functions giving at least insights about Parameter and Return Types (Used for Dokka).
Comments are only required of the Code does NOT speak for itself (accept in case of rule 1).
- If possible, do not use
- Names are to be kept meaning full:
(Contains Annotations),functions
(Contains Top-Level functions)
Names are to be kept meaning gull:
(in extensions; Contains ByteArray extensions),ArrayWord
(in extensions; ContainsArray<Word>
extensions) -
If a File is created for a type generic context, the
are to be removed:Array<Word>
However if no Type is used, no text is given:Array<*>
Signing Commits
Each and every commit must be signed with a valid PGP key or sub key. The used Key MUST use the same Email and Name as the committing Author. -
Clear descriptions
Each and every commit must have a simple summery in the first line of the commit message. A commit message shall also include a more detailed summery of what changed in the commit. -
Simple Commits
Each and every commit shall be kept simple. Performing big changes (like adding multiple standalone Interfaces) shall be put in multiple commits. -
With any commit given by any Author his or her changes are going to be distributed under the Terms of our License. The Author accepts our license by submitting a commit to us.
Each and every pull request shall have a clear and simple name stating the proposed changes. -
Each and every pull request shall have a summery of changes, a reason why these changes where made and if possible a connected Issue listed. -
Each and every pull request must be approved by the core team. Only with approval by at least 2 core team members (if possible) the current Project Manager is allowed to pull changes into the main development branch (master).