Day 5: 2:00pm – 6:00pm
- Identify annotated genes overlapping/near pangenomic bubbles
- Identify pangenomic regions associated with binary phenotypes
- Pangenome
- Reference genome annotation
- Short read GAF alignments
To start, we want to get the ARS-UCD1.2 annotation in gff format, giving us the location of genes.
curl > data/ARS-UCD1.2.exons.bed
We will then test for intersections between the annotation and pangenome "bubbles" (indicating some larger level of variation) from the minigraph gfa.
gfatools bubble pangenome/bovines_with_P_lines.gfa | cut -f -3,12 | sed 's/HER#0#//' > pangenome/minigraph.bubbles.bed
bedtools intersect -a data/ARS-UCD1.2.exons.bed -b pangenome/minigraph.bubbles.bed > pangenome/minigraph_SV_overlaps.bed
We can also require more overlap with bedtools intersect
using e.g., -f 0.5
requiring that at least 50% of the exon is overlapped by an SV to be reported (or -F 0.5
that 50% of the SV is overlapping an exon).
We could also approach this from the SV VCF we created (from Day 3 afternoon), and check for potential events that are private to a subset of assemblies.
We'll start by subsetting the VCF using bcftools view
with the -s <sample names>
option within a process substitution ("<(...)") to avoid creating intermediate files on disk.
For SVs private to Wisent
bedtools intersect -a data/ARS-UCD1.2.exons.bed -b <(bcftools view -s WIS -x pangenome/minigraph.SV.vcf | sed 's/^HER/25/') > Wisent_specific_genes.bed
or for ones segregating in Swiss breeds
bedtools intersect -a data/ARS-UCD1.2.exons.bed -b <(bcftools view -s OBV,SIM,BSW -x pangenome/minigraph.SV.vcf | sed 's/^HER/25/') > Swiss_specific_genes.bed
We can also try and convert the annotation (via BED) into the pangenome coordinates, and then load that into bandage so we can visualise the events better (requires BandageNG).
curl > tools/
python tools/ pangenome/bovines.gfa data/ARS-UCD1.2.exons.bed > pangenome/ARS-UCD1.2.exons.graph.bed
Let's see if we can find any interesting gene-SV regions in Bandage! We could search again for complex regions as we did before and inspect those regions for genes.
gfatools bubble pangenome/bovines_with_P_lines.gfa | sort -k4,4nr | head
We can also look for potential variation that could be associated with a binary phenotype. This is a more "experimental" approach, but much more flexible in what we can identify.
Let's start by purely analysing what is already present in the graph. We want to find regions where the graph clearly contains two (or more) "haplotypes", which could be associated with a phenotype.
We want to install a python module called regex with pip into our conda environment.
pip install regex
We should then be able to run something like the following. For whatever reason, we need to copy and paste this in 3 steps.
import regex
from collections import defaultdict
paths = {line.split()[1]:{int(N) for N in regex.split(r'\D',line.split()[2])[:-1] if N} for line in open('pangenome/bovines_with_P_lines.gfa') if line[0] == 'P'}
nodes_as_keys = defaultdict(list)
for K,V in paths.items():
for node in V:
nodes_private_to_pairings = defaultdict(list)
for K,V in nodes_as_keys.items():
#we can see all combinations of samples that span nodes
#this will find us which nodes are only spanned by BSW, OBV, and SIM
We can see there are quite a few nodes that are private to those three assemblies. We can investigate those nodes in Bandage and see if the regions look interesting or if they are "by chance".
You can download the pggb graph here if you didn't make your own.
curl > pangenome/25.pggb.gfa.gz
unzip pangenome/25.pggb.gfa.gz
We can split the graph up into small chunks (say 1000 Kb) using odgi extract
, and the find the Jaccard similarity score between each pair of assemblies within this chunk.
bedtools makewindows -g <(awk '$1~/HER/' pangenome/25.fa.gz.fai) -w 1000000 > pangenome/
mkdir pangenome_subgraphs
cd pangenome_subgraphs
odgi extract -i ../pangenome/25.pggb.gfa -b ../pangenome/ -t 4 -s
for g in *.og
odgi similarity -t 4 -i $g | sed 's/:[0-9]\+-[0-9]\+//g' | awk -v S=$g 'NR>1 && $2>$1 {print S,$1,$2,$6}'
done > ../pangenome/jaccard.100Kb.csv
We can then examine regions where the phenotype-grouped samples are all similar but are very different across groups. Making this into a simple ratio to find peaks requires a bit more detailed work shown here.
Alternatively, we can make an averaged presence/absence matrix, again chunking the genome into small windows.
odgi pav -M -i pangenome/25.pggb.gfa -b pangenome/
The output also effectively shows how similar each sample is to the others by measuring the "Presence/absence variants ratio". The bins are very large (and so not so sensitive), but we can already see the most diverged assembly (WIS) tends to have a lower ratio, supporting that the pangenome reflects that sample is the most different.
Now we could take this a step further, and integrate population level data from short read alignments to the pangenome.
We want to gather the node-level coverage per sample after aligning with vg giraffe
We have to install rust (a programming language) and compile gafpack
If you are using the docker image, this should already be available
mamba create -n rust -c conda-forge rust
git clone
cd gafpack
cargo build --release
cd ..
# if you installed gafpack this way, be sure to use the absolute or relative path rather than just calling gafpack
# from this directory it should be "gafpack/target/release/gafpack", so we can check it is there with
ls $PWD/gafpack/target/release/gafpack
We can then calculate the coverage of short read sequencing over the pangenome nodes.
# if you aligned to the pggb graph or renamed the file, be sure to replace these values
gafpack -g pangenome/bovines_with_P_lines.gfa -a pangenome/sample.gaf -l -c | awk -v S=$S '!/#/ {print S,$1,$2}' > pangenome/summed_coverage.txt
With many additional samples, we could then test to see if there is any statistically significant variation in node coverage between the assigned phenotype groups.