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Davis Tardif edited this page Oct 27, 2018 · 1 revision

How do permissions work?

Each permission is assigned an id and that id is associated with a position. Everyone who either (a) holds one of the positions linked to the permission id, (b) holds a position linked (via position_relations) to a position associated with this permission, or (c) holds the admin permission is defined to hold the permission.

How do I add a permission?

Permissions are added by inserting them into the database. First, you need to create a row in permissions. This will assign a permission_id to the permission, and should store the type of permission, resource name, and a short description of the permission. Then you need to assign the permission to positions. This is done by adding rows to the position_permissions table.

How should I refer to permissions in my code?

To avoid littering our code with 'magic numbers' that correspond to permission id's, we use Enum's to give names to the permission id's. There is one global enum -- donut.default_permissions.Permissions which should be used to store id's for permissions that are general to the whole site (site admin, for instance). If a permission is module specific, then you should create a permissions enum in your module to store the permissions.

How should I check if the user has a permission?

You should pass the username (stored in Flask session) and permission_id (from a permissions enum) into

check_permission(username, permission_id)

This will return True or False. If you want to get a list of a user's permissions, you can also call


Note that if default_permissions.ADMIN (i.e. permission_id 1) is in this list, it is implied that the user also has all other permissions. check_permission takes this into account and always returns True for site admins. Both of these functions are defined in donut.auth_utils