From 638f19e993e7239cd79efa7e30afb6777ed12074 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zssherman <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2023 17:04:12 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] ADD: Adding arm site and facility location coordinate
 elastic search.

 act/tests/ | 34 +++++++++++++++
 act/utils/   |  1 +
 act/utils/ | 91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 126 insertions(+)

diff --git a/act/tests/ b/act/tests/
index 6bb385065c..e1068ba1c7 100644
--- a/act/tests/
+++ b/act/tests/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 import string
 import random
 import numpy as np
+from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
 import pandas as pd
 import pytest
 import pytz
@@ -761,3 +762,36 @@ def test_DatastreamParser():
     assert fn_obj.time is None
     assert fn_obj.ext is None
     del fn_obj
+def test_arm_site_location_search():
+    # Test for many facilities
+    test_dict_many = act.utils.arm_site_location_search(site_code='sgp', facility_code=None)
+    assert len(test_dict_many) > 30
+    assert list(test_dict_many)[0] == 'sgp A1'
+    assert list(test_dict_many)[2] == 'sgp A3'
+    assert_almost_equal(test_dict_many[list(test_dict_many)[0]]['latitude'], 37.843058)
+    assert_almost_equal(test_dict_many[list(test_dict_many)[0]]['longitude'], -97.020569)
+    assert_almost_equal(test_dict_many[list(test_dict_many)[2]]['latitude'], 37.626)
+    assert_almost_equal(test_dict_many[list(test_dict_many)[2]]['longitude'], -96.882)
+    # Test for one facility
+    test_dict_one = act.utils.arm_site_location_search(site_code='sgp', facility_code='I5')
+    assert len(test_dict_one) == 1
+    assert list(test_dict_one)[0] == 'sgp I5'
+    assert_almost_equal(test_dict_one[list(test_dict_one)[0]]['latitude'], 36.491178)
+    assert_almost_equal(test_dict_one[list(test_dict_one)[0]]['longitude'], -97.593936)
+    # Test for a facility with no latitude and longitude information
+    test_dict_no_coord = act.utils.arm_site_location_search(site_code='sgp', facility_code='A6')
+    assert list(test_dict_no_coord)[0] == 'sgp A6'
+    assert test_dict_no_coord[list(test_dict_no_coord)[0]]['latitude'] == None
+    assert test_dict_no_coord[list(test_dict_no_coord)[0]]['longitude'] == None
+    # Test for another site
+    test_dict_nsa = act.utils.arm_site_location_search(site_code='nsa', facility_code=None)
+    assert len(test_dict_nsa) > 5
+    assert list(test_dict_nsa)[0] == 'nsa C1'
+    assert test_dict_nsa[list(test_dict_nsa)[0]]['latitude'] == 71.323
+    assert test_dict_nsa[list(test_dict_nsa)[0]]['longitude'] == -156.615
diff --git a/act/utils/ b/act/utils/
index e7cae20635..cd885b0cb1 100644
--- a/act/utils/
+++ b/act/utils/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+            'arm_site_location_search',
         'datetime_utils': [
diff --git a/act/utils/ b/act/utils/
index 66242897f7..376c25f82d 100644
--- a/act/utils/
+++ b/act/utils/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import importlib
 import warnings
+import json
 import metpy
 import numpy as np
 import pint
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
 import xarray as xr
 from pathlib import Path
 import re
+import requests
 spec = importlib.util.find_spec('pyart')
 if spec is not None:
@@ -1204,3 +1206,92 @@ def height_adjusted_pressure(
     adjusted_pressure =
     return adjusted_pressure
+def arm_site_location_search(site_code='sgp', facility_code=None):
+    """
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    site_code : str
+        ARM site code to retrieve facilities and coordinate information. Example and default
+        is 'sgp'.
+    facility_code : str or None
+        Facility code or codes for the ARM site provided. If None is provided, all facilities are returned.
+        Example string for multiple facilities is 'A4,I5'.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    coord_dict : dict
+        A dictionary containing the facility chosen coordinate information or all facilities
+        if None for facility_code and their respective coordinates.
+    """
+    headers = {
+        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+    }
+    # Return all facilities if facility_code is None else set the query to include
+    # facility search
+    if facility_code is None:
+        query = "site_code:" + site_code
+    else:
+        query = "site_code:" + site_code + "AND facility_code:" + facility_code
+    # Search aggregation for elastic search
+    json_data = {
+        "aggs": {
+            "distinct_facility_code": {
+                "terms": {
+                    "field": "facility_code.keyword",
+                    "order": {
+                        "_key": "asc"
+                    },
+                    "size": 7000,
+                },
+                "aggs": {
+                    "hits": {
+                        "top_hits": {
+                            "_source": [
+                                "site_type",
+                                "site_code",
+                                "facility_code",
+                                "location",
+                            ],
+                            "size": 1
+                        },
+                    },
+                },
+            },
+       },
+      "size": 0,
+      "query": {
+          "query_string": {
+              "query": query, 
+          }, 
+       },
+    }
+    # Uses requests to grab metadata from
+    response = requests.get('', headers=headers, json=json_data)
+    # Loads the text to a dictionary
+    response_dict = json.loads(response.text)
+    # Searches dictionary for the site, facility and coordinate information.
+    coord_dict = {}
+    # Loop through each facility.
+    for i in range(len(response_dict['aggregations']['distinct_facility_code']['buckets'])):
+        site_info = response_dict['aggregations']['distinct_facility_code']['buckets'][i]['hits']['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']
+        site = site_info['site_code']
+        facility = site_info['facility_code']
+        # Some sites do not contain coordinate information, return None if that is the case.
+        if site_info['location'] is None:
+            coords = {'latitude': None,
+                      'longitude': None}
+        else:
+            lat, lon = site_info['location'].split(',')
+            lat = float(lat)
+            lon = float(lon)
+            coords = {'latitude': lat,
+                      'longitude': lon}
+        coord_dict.setdefault(site_code + ' ' + facility, coords)
+    return coord_dict

From b176b84912791ef8a5155353a8dc013a8e0ee5b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zssherman <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2023 17:11:47 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] STY: PEP8 Fixes.

 act/tests/ |  4 ++--
 act/utils/ | 18 +++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/act/tests/ b/act/tests/
index e1068ba1c7..4f4b140f31 100644
--- a/act/tests/
+++ b/act/tests/
@@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ def test_arm_site_location_search():
     # Test for a facility with no latitude and longitude information
     test_dict_no_coord = act.utils.arm_site_location_search(site_code='sgp', facility_code='A6')
     assert list(test_dict_no_coord)[0] == 'sgp A6'
-    assert test_dict_no_coord[list(test_dict_no_coord)[0]]['latitude'] == None
-    assert test_dict_no_coord[list(test_dict_no_coord)[0]]['longitude'] == None
+    assert test_dict_no_coord[list(test_dict_no_coord)[0]]['latitude'] is None
+    assert test_dict_no_coord[list(test_dict_no_coord)[0]]['longitude'] is None
     # Test for another site
     test_dict_nsa = act.utils.arm_site_location_search(site_code='nsa', facility_code=None)
diff --git a/act/utils/ b/act/utils/
index 376c25f82d..77fca5f58b 100644
--- a/act/utils/
+++ b/act/utils/
@@ -1261,13 +1261,13 @@ def arm_site_location_search(site_code='sgp', facility_code=None):
-       },
-      "size": 0,
-      "query": {
-          "query_string": {
-              "query": query, 
-          }, 
-       },
+        },
+        "size": 0,
+        "query": {
+            "query_string": {
+                "query": query,
+            },
+        },
     # Uses requests to grab metadata from
@@ -1292,6 +1292,6 @@ def arm_site_location_search(site_code='sgp', facility_code=None):
             lon = float(lon)
             coords = {'latitude': lat,
                       'longitude': lon}
-        coord_dict.setdefault(site_code + ' ' + facility, coords)
+        coord_dict.setdefault(site + ' ' + facility, coords)
     return coord_dict