All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Unified Bond-based Elastic model #210
- Orthothropic material definition for Correspondence models #216
- Gcode reader script
- Dependency properties for Energy Release Damage Model and Bond-based Elastic #215
- Bond fields are saved as vectors, reducing memory usage
- Optimzed memory allocation and speed
- Optimized additve process simuations
- HETVAL subroutine
- Correspondence routines
- Damage index function
- Optimzed memory allocation and speed
- Refine documentations
- Include lambda rotation in Thermal flow #134
- Int support for solver params
- Many performance improvements
- Fix high abaqus mesh memory usage
- Fix OutOfMemory MPI Error
- Removed view from get_field method and streamlined it
- Calculation test
- Calculation methods
- HEATVAL fortran routine
- Two block test #195
- Test cmd config files
- calculate_nodelist
- Logging
- Fix Poisson's ratio #196
- Physics module is now the Model_Factory #198
- Inputdeck: Definition changes from Physics to Models
- Restructuring of the physics factory #168
- Block Wise Defintion of pre calculation #193
- Move pre calculation in models #191
- Optimized damage models and geometry routines #188
- Varying material properties #175
- pre-commit hooks
- code cleaning
- Bond associated formulation #154
- Surface extrusion for Abaqus
- Strain for non correspondence models
- Quasi-contact
- Inter critical value
- Bond associated basis
- Many tests
- Element support for exodus export #20
- State variable in exodus export #148
- FEM basis, not yet coupled with PD #132
- Testset continues running after error
- Moved datamanager #61
- Code cleaning and test coverage
- Optimized handling with specific volume
- CSV Output order
- Force Boundary Condition
- Nodeset compute class
- Orientation
- UMAT Interface
- Solver summary
- Calculate cauchy and von Mises stress
- calculate_shape_tensor and calculate_deformation_gradient functions #152
- Optimized Anisotropic Damage
- Optimized MPI communication #151
- Exodus global export #145
- UMAT Header #139
- Anisotropic Damage #136
- UMAT #138
- Abaqus mesh to txt
- Docs
- MPI non-blocking
- Bond length seperated from field #137
- Volume calculation for Abaqus
- #137
- Abaqus Test
- Abaqus surface extension
- Abaqus input, still waiting for Pull Request
- Julia version
- MPI Issue
- Logging
- Corrosion
- PrettyTables logging
- Logging Datetime
- MPI summary
- StaticArrays for performance
- Global export in MPI
- CSV export
- Neighborhood Distribution
- CompactTension Example
- Docs
- Silent mode allows log file
- get_field uses an initialized function, performance improvements
- Allow older dependencies
- Dockerfile
- Bond Filter Contact
- Surface Extension
- Von Mises Calculation
- Basic FEM support (#137, #136, #135, #134, #132, #129, #128, #124, #123, #122)
- Aqua test
- Variable datafield input (#139)
- Correspondence flexible material (#138)
- Plasticity (#120)
- Git info to logging
- Memory Leaks
- Reimport warnings
- Read nodeset moved to core 1 (#140)
- Abaqus mesh input (.inp)
- Specific volume for additive models
- Tests for additive models
- Exodus input
- Memory issues with exodus
1.0.2 - 2023-12-18
- Anistropic Damage Model
1.0.1 - 2023-12-06
- JuliaHub support
- Codecov Support (#37)
- Docs
- PackageCompiler
- Wrong output path
- Readme
- License
- Project.toml
- Optimized pd_solid
- Haskey with get()
- Unecessary functions
1.0.0 - 2023-11-30
- First full PeriLab release