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Releases: 9corp/9volt

Pre-alpha #2

02 Mar 04:17
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This release contains:

  • the ability to pin checks to nodes by tags (introduced in #96)
  • automatic etcd key instantiation on fresh startups (introduced in #97)

Same as before:

  1. Install etcd via your favorite pkg manager (ie. brew install etcd)
  2. Run 9volt: ./9volt server
  3. Access the UI: http://localhost:8080/ui
  4. Use 9volt cfg to push some configs over to etcd and start monitoring!


24 Feb 22:46
Choose a tag to compare

This is a "pre-alpha" release of 9volt. It mostly serves the purpose of quickly demonstrating what the project is about.

Inside the release you will find the following things:

  • 9volt
    • main 9volt server + ui + config util
    • for eval: install etcd (on osx: brew install etcd) and launch 9volt
      by doing ./9volt server
    • specify different etcd servers by passing in -e http://localhost:2379 flags
    • create a cluster by launching additional 9volt instances by specifying
      a different listen address (./9volt server -e http://localhost:2379 -l :8181)
    • use the built-in config manager via 9volt cfg .
    • check out the built-in UI by going to http://localhost:8080/ui/
  • example-configs
    • dir containing some example 9volt configs; for use with 9volt cfg

For a full list of options, do ./9volt --help

Good luck and have fun!