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199 lines (139 loc) · 4.88 KB

Cross-Chain Oracle for Bitcoin and Solana

This project implements a cross-chain oracle that bridges Bitcoin and Solana blockchains using zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). The oracle monitors Bitcoin ordinals and verifies them on Solana, allowing for secure and private cross-chain communication.

Table of Contents


Ensure you have the following tools and libraries installed:

  • Python 3.x
  • Bitcoin Core (full node)
  • Solana CLI
  • Anchor Framework
  • Node.js


Bitcoin Core

  1. Install Bitcoin Core: Download and install Bitcoin Core from the official Bitcoin website.

  2. Configure Bitcoin Core: Edit the bitcoin.conf file to enable RPC:

  3. Start Bitcoin Core:

bitcoind -daemon

Oracle Service

  1. Install Required Libraries:

pip install python-bitcoinrpc pycryptodome

  1. Create Oracle Service
  2. Save the following code as

from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.PublicKey import ECC from Crypto.Signature import DSS import json

Connect to Bitcoin node

bitcoin_rpc = AuthServiceProxy("http://yourusername:[email protected]:8332")

def monitor_bitcoin_for_ordinal(ordinal_id): transactions = bitcoin_rpc.listtransactions() for tx in transactions: if ordinal_id in json.dumps(tx): return tx return None

def validate_ordinal(tx): return True # Implement your validation logic

def generate_zkp(tx): hash_obj ='utf-8')) key = ECC.generate(curve='P-256') signer =, 'fips-186-3') signature = signer.sign(hash_obj) return key.public_key().export_key(format='DER'), signature

def send_to_solana(pubkey, signature): pass # Implement data transmission logic

ordinal_id = "specific_ordinal_id" while True: tx = monitor_bitcoin_for_ordinal(ordinal_id) if tx and validate_ordinal(tx): pubkey, signature = generate_zkp(tx) send_to_solana(pubkey, signature)

Solana Smart Contract

  1. Install Solana CLI:

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"

  1. Install Anchor Framework:

cargo install --git --tag v0.19.0 anchor-cli --locked

  1. Create Anchor Project:

anchor init cross_chain_oracle cd cross_chain_oracle

  1. Define Smart Contract: Edit the file in programs/cross_chain_oracle/src:

use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use solana_program::program_pack::{IsInitialized, Pack, Sealed}; use solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey;


#[program] pub mod cross_chain_oracle { use super::*;

pub fn verify_and_update(ctx: Context<VerifyAndUpdate>, pubkey: Vec<u8>, signature: Vec<u8>, tx_hash: Vec<u8>) -> ProgramResult {
    let pubkey = Pubkey::new(&pubkey);
    let signature = Signature::new(&signature);
    let tx_hash = sha256::Hash::hash(&tx_hash);
    require!(pubkey.verify(&tx_hash, &signature), CustomError::InvalidZKP);

    let nft = &mut ctx.accounts.nft;
    nft.metadata = "New metadata based on verified ordinal".to_string();



#[derive(Accounts)] pub struct VerifyAndUpdate<'info> { #[account(mut)] pub nft: Account<'info, NFT>, }

#[account] pub struct NFT { pub metadata: String, }

#[error] pub enum CustomError { #[msg("Invalid Zero-Knowledge Proof")] InvalidZKP, }

  1. Build and Deploy Smart Contract:

anchor build anchor deploy

Client Interaction

  1. Create Client Script:

Save the following code as client.js:

const anchor = require('@project-serum/anchor'); const { Connection, PublicKey } = require('@solana/web3.js');

async function main() { anchor.setProvider(anchor.AnchorProvider.env()); const programId = new anchor.web3.PublicKey('Fg6PaFpoGXkYsidMpWxqSWpmyoMaMdHk4Zr1Dz4V7gAa'); const program = new anchor.Program(idl, programId); const nftPublicKey = new PublicKey('Your NFT PublicKey Here'); const response = await fetch('http://localhost:5000/get_proof'); const { pubkey, signature, tx_hash } = await response.json();

const tx = await program.rpc.verifyAndUpdate(pubkey, signature, tx_hash, {
    accounts: {
        nft: nftPublicKey,

console.log('Transaction signature', tx);


main().catch(err => { console.error(err); });


  1. Deploy the Oracle Service:


  1. Run the Client Script:

node client.js License This project is licensed under the MIT License.
