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+ +## About Laravel + +Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. 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The contribution guide can be found in the [Laravel documentation](https://laravel.com/docs/contributions). + +## Code of Conduct + +In order to ensure that the Laravel community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the [Code of Conduct](https://laravel.com/docs/contributions#code-of-conduct). + +## Security Vulnerabilities + +If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell via [taylor@laravel.com](mailto:taylor@laravel.com). All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. + +## License + +The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). diff --git a/app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ConfirmPasswordController.php b/app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ConfirmPasswordController.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3559954 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ConfirmPasswordController.php @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +middleware('auth'); + } +} diff --git a/app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ForgotPasswordController.php b/app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ForgotPasswordController.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..465c39c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ForgotPasswordController.php @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +middleware('guest')->except('logout'); + } +} diff --git a/app/Http/Controllers/Auth/RegisterController.php b/app/Http/Controllers/Auth/RegisterController.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..961ea36 --- /dev/null +++ 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This may determine how you prefer to configure various + | services the application utilizes. Set this in your ".env" file. + | + */ + + 'env' => env('APP_ENV', 'production'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Application Debug Mode + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When your application is in debug mode, detailed error messages with + | stack traces will be shown on every error that occurs within your + | application. If disabled, a simple generic error page is shown. + | + */ + + 'debug' => (bool) env('APP_DEBUG', false), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Application URL + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This URL is used by the console to properly generate URLs when using + | the Artisan command line tool. You should set this to the root of + | the application so that it's available within Artisan commands. + | + */ + + 'url' => env('APP_URL', 'http://localhost'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Application Timezone + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may specify the default timezone for your application, which + | will be used by the PHP date and date-time functions. The timezone + | is set to "UTC" by default as it is suitable for most use cases. + | + */ + + 'timezone' => env('APP_TIMEZONE', 'UTC'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Application Locale Configuration + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The application locale determines the default locale that will be used + | by Laravel's translation / localization methods. This option can be + | set to any locale for which you plan to have translation strings. + | + */ + + 'locale' => env('APP_LOCALE', 'en'), + + 'fallback_locale' => env('APP_FALLBACK_LOCALE', 'en'), + + 'faker_locale' => env('APP_FAKER_LOCALE', 'en_US'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Encryption Key + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This key is utilized by Laravel's encryption services and should be set + | to a random, 32 character string to ensure that all encrypted values + | are secure. You should do this prior to deploying the application. + | + */ + + 'cipher' => 'AES-256-CBC', + + 'key' => env('APP_KEY'), + + 'previous_keys' => [ + ...array_filter( + explode(',', env('APP_PREVIOUS_KEYS', '')) + ), + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Maintenance Mode Driver + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | These configuration options determine the driver used to determine and + | manage Laravel's "maintenance mode" status. The "cache" driver will + | allow maintenance mode to be controlled across multiple machines. + | + | Supported drivers: "file", "cache" + | + */ + + 'maintenance' => [ + 'driver' => env('APP_MAINTENANCE_DRIVER', 'file'), + 'store' => env('APP_MAINTENANCE_STORE', 'database'), + ], + +]; diff --git a/config/auth.php b/config/auth.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ba5d5d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/auth.php @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ + [ + 'guard' => env('AUTH_GUARD', 'web'), + 'passwords' => env('AUTH_PASSWORD_BROKER', 'users'), + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Authentication Guards + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Next, you may define every authentication guard for your application. + | Of course, a great default configuration has been defined for you + | which utilizes session storage plus the Eloquent user provider. + | + | All authentication guards have a user provider, which defines how the + | users are actually retrieved out of your database or other storage + | system used by the application. Typically, Eloquent is utilized. + | + | Supported: "session" + | + */ + + 'guards' => [ + 'web' => [ + 'driver' => 'session', + 'provider' => 'users', + ], + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | User Providers + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | All authentication guards have a user provider, which defines how the + | users are actually retrieved out of your database or other storage + | system used by the application. Typically, Eloquent is utilized. + | + | If you have multiple user tables or models you may configure multiple + | providers to represent the model / table. These providers may then + | be assigned to any extra authentication guards you have defined. + | + | Supported: "database", "eloquent" + | + */ + + 'providers' => [ + 'users' => [ + 'driver' => 'eloquent', + 'model' => env('AUTH_MODEL', App\Models\User::class), + ], + + // 'users' => [ + // 'driver' => 'database', + // 'table' => 'users', + // ], + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Resetting Passwords + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | These configuration options specify the behavior of Laravel's password + | reset functionality, including the table utilized for token storage + | and the user provider that is invoked to actually retrieve users. + | + | The expiry time is the number of minutes that each reset token will be + | considered valid. This security feature keeps tokens short-lived so + | they have less time to be guessed. You may change this as needed. + | + | The throttle setting is the number of seconds a user must wait before + | generating more password reset tokens. This prevents the user from + | quickly generating a very large amount of password reset tokens. + | + */ + + 'passwords' => [ + 'users' => [ + 'provider' => 'users', + 'table' => env('AUTH_PASSWORD_RESET_TOKEN_TABLE', 'password_reset_tokens'), + 'expire' => 60, + 'throttle' => 60, + ], + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Password Confirmation Timeout + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may define the amount of seconds before a password confirmation + | window expires and users are asked to re-enter their password via the + | confirmation screen. By default, the timeout lasts for three hours. + | + */ + + 'password_timeout' => env('AUTH_PASSWORD_TIMEOUT', 10800), + +]; diff --git a/config/cache.php b/config/cache.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b57b18 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/cache.php @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ + env('CACHE_STORE', 'database'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Cache Stores + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may define all of the cache "stores" for your application as + | well as their drivers. You may even define multiple stores for the + | same cache driver to group types of items stored in your caches. + | + | Supported drivers: "array", "database", "file", "memcached", + | "redis", "dynamodb", "octane", "null" + | + */ + + 'stores' => [ + + 'array' => [ + 'driver' => 'array', + 'serialize' => false, + ], + + 'database' => [ + 'driver' => 'database', + 'table' => env('DB_CACHE_TABLE', 'cache'), + 'connection' => env('DB_CACHE_CONNECTION'), + 'lock_connection' => env('DB_CACHE_LOCK_CONNECTION'), + ], + + 'file' => [ + 'driver' => 'file', + 'path' => storage_path('framework/cache/data'), + 'lock_path' => storage_path('framework/cache/data'), + ], + + 'memcached' => [ + 'driver' => 'memcached', + 'persistent_id' => env('MEMCACHED_PERSISTENT_ID'), + 'sasl' => [ + env('MEMCACHED_USERNAME'), + env('MEMCACHED_PASSWORD'), + ], + 'options' => [ + // Memcached::OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT => 2000, + ], + 'servers' => [ + [ + 'host' => env('MEMCACHED_HOST', ''), + 'port' => env('MEMCACHED_PORT', 11211), + 'weight' => 100, + ], + ], + ], + + 'redis' => [ + 'driver' => 'redis', + 'connection' => env('REDIS_CACHE_CONNECTION', 'cache'), + 'lock_connection' => env('REDIS_CACHE_LOCK_CONNECTION', 'default'), + ], + + 'dynamodb' => [ + 'driver' => 'dynamodb', + 'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), + 'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'), + 'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'us-east-1'), + 'table' => env('DYNAMODB_CACHE_TABLE', 'cache'), + 'endpoint' => env('DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT'), + ], + + 'octane' => [ + 'driver' => 'octane', + ], + + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Cache Key Prefix + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When utilizing the APC, database, memcached, Redis, and DynamoDB cache + | stores, there might be other applications using the same cache. For + | that reason, you may prefix every cache key to avoid collisions. + | + */ + + 'prefix' => env('CACHE_PREFIX', Str::slug(env('APP_NAME', 'laravel'), '_').'_cache_'), + +]; diff --git a/config/database.php b/config/database.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8e8dcb --- /dev/null +++ b/config/database.php @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ + env('DB_CONNECTION', 'sqlite'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Database Connections + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Below are all of the database connections defined for your application. + | An example configuration is provided for each database system which + | is supported by Laravel. You're free to add / remove connections. + | + */ + + 'connections' => [ + + 'sqlite' => [ + 'driver' => 'sqlite', + 'url' => env('DB_URL'), + 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', database_path('database.sqlite')), + 'prefix' => '', + 'foreign_key_constraints' => env('DB_FOREIGN_KEYS', true), + ], + + 'mysql' => [ + 'driver' => 'mysql', + 'url' => env('DB_URL'), + 'host' => env('DB_HOST', ''), + 'port' => env('DB_PORT', '3306'), + 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'laravel'), + 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'root'), + 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''), + 'unix_socket' => env('DB_SOCKET', ''), + 'charset' => env('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8mb4'), + 'collation' => env('DB_COLLATION', 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'), + 'prefix' => '', + 'prefix_indexes' => true, + 'strict' => true, + 'engine' => null, + 'options' => extension_loaded('pdo_mysql') ? array_filter([ + PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA => env('MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA'), + ]) : [], + ], + + 'mariadb' => [ + 'driver' => 'mariadb', + 'url' => env('DB_URL'), + 'host' => env('DB_HOST', ''), + 'port' => env('DB_PORT', '3306'), + 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'laravel'), + 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'root'), + 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''), + 'unix_socket' => env('DB_SOCKET', ''), + 'charset' => env('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8mb4'), + 'collation' => env('DB_COLLATION', 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'), + 'prefix' => '', + 'prefix_indexes' => true, + 'strict' => true, + 'engine' => null, + 'options' => extension_loaded('pdo_mysql') ? array_filter([ + PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA => env('MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA'), + ]) : [], + ], + + 'pgsql' => [ + 'driver' => 'pgsql', + 'url' => env('DB_URL'), + 'host' => env('DB_HOST', ''), + 'port' => env('DB_PORT', '5432'), + 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'laravel'), + 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'root'), + 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''), + 'charset' => env('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'), + 'prefix' => '', + 'prefix_indexes' => true, + 'search_path' => 'public', + 'sslmode' => 'prefer', + ], + + 'sqlsrv' => [ + 'driver' => 'sqlsrv', + 'url' => env('DB_URL'), + 'host' => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'), + 'port' => env('DB_PORT', '1433'), + 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'laravel'), + 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'root'), + 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''), + 'charset' => env('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'), + 'prefix' => '', + 'prefix_indexes' => true, + // 'encrypt' => env('DB_ENCRYPT', 'yes'), + // 'trust_server_certificate' => env('DB_TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE', 'false'), + ], + + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Migration Repository Table + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This table keeps track of all the migrations that have already run for + | your application. Using this information, we can determine which of + | the migrations on disk haven't actually been run on the database. + | + */ + + 'migrations' => [ + 'table' => 'migrations', + 'update_date_on_publish' => true, + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Redis Databases + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Redis is an open source, fast, and advanced key-value store that also + | provides a richer body of commands than a typical key-value system + | such as Memcached. You may define your connection settings here. + | + */ + + 'redis' => [ + + 'client' => env('REDIS_CLIENT', 'phpredis'), + + 'options' => [ + 'cluster' => env('REDIS_CLUSTER', 'redis'), + 'prefix' => env('REDIS_PREFIX', Str::slug(env('APP_NAME', 'laravel'), '_').'_database_'), + ], + + 'default' => [ + 'url' => env('REDIS_URL'), + 'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''), + 'username' => env('REDIS_USERNAME'), + 'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD'), + 'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', '6379'), + 'database' => env('REDIS_DB', '0'), + ], + + 'cache' => [ + 'url' => env('REDIS_URL'), + 'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''), + 'username' => env('REDIS_USERNAME'), + 'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD'), + 'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', '6379'), + 'database' => env('REDIS_CACHE_DB', '1'), + ], + + ], + +]; diff --git a/config/filesystems.php b/config/filesystems.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44fe9c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/filesystems.php @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ + env('FILESYSTEM_DISK', 'local'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Filesystem Disks + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Below you may configure as many filesystem disks as necessary, and you + | may even configure multiple disks for the same driver. Examples for + | most supported storage drivers are configured here for reference. + | + | Supported Drivers: "local", "ftp", "sftp", "s3" + | + */ + + 'disks' => [ + + 'local' => [ + 'driver' => 'local', + 'root' => storage_path('app'), + 'throw' => false, + ], + + 'public' => [ + 'driver' => 'local', + 'root' => storage_path('app/public'), + 'url' => env('APP_URL').'/storage', + 'visibility' => 'public', + 'throw' => false, + ], + + 's3' => [ + 'driver' => 's3', + 'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), + 'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'), + 'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'), + 'bucket' => env('AWS_BUCKET'), + 'url' => env('AWS_URL'), + 'endpoint' => env('AWS_ENDPOINT'), + 'use_path_style_endpoint' => env('AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT', false), + 'throw' => false, + ], + + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Symbolic Links + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may configure the symbolic links that will be created when the + | `storage:link` Artisan command is executed. The array keys should be + | the locations of the links and the values should be their targets. + | + */ + + 'links' => [ + public_path('storage') => storage_path('app/public'), + ], + +]; diff --git a/config/logging.php b/config/logging.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d526b64 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/logging.php @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ + env('LOG_CHANNEL', 'stack'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Deprecations Log Channel + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This option controls the log channel that should be used to log warnings + | regarding deprecated PHP and library features. This allows you to get + | your application ready for upcoming major versions of dependencies. + | + */ + + 'deprecations' => [ + 'channel' => env('LOG_DEPRECATIONS_CHANNEL', 'null'), + 'trace' => env('LOG_DEPRECATIONS_TRACE', false), + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Log Channels + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may configure the log channels for your application. Laravel + | utilizes the Monolog PHP logging library, which includes a variety + | of powerful log handlers and formatters that you're free to use. + | + | Available Drivers: "single", "daily", "slack", "syslog", + | "errorlog", "monolog", "custom", "stack" + | + */ + + 'channels' => [ + + 'stack' => [ + 'driver' => 'stack', + 'channels' => explode(',', env('LOG_STACK', 'single')), + 'ignore_exceptions' => false, + ], + + 'single' => [ + 'driver' => 'single', + 'path' => storage_path('logs/laravel.log'), + 'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'), + 'replace_placeholders' => true, + ], + + 'daily' => [ + 'driver' => 'daily', + 'path' => storage_path('logs/laravel.log'), + 'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'), + 'days' => env('LOG_DAILY_DAYS', 14), + 'replace_placeholders' => true, + ], + + 'slack' => [ + 'driver' => 'slack', + 'url' => env('LOG_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL'), + 'username' => env('LOG_SLACK_USERNAME', 'Laravel Log'), + 'emoji' => env('LOG_SLACK_EMOJI', ':boom:'), + 'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'critical'), + 'replace_placeholders' => true, + ], + + 'papertrail' => [ + 'driver' => 'monolog', + 'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'), + 'handler' => env('LOG_PAPERTRAIL_HANDLER', SyslogUdpHandler::class), + 'handler_with' => [ + 'host' => env('PAPERTRAIL_URL'), + 'port' => env('PAPERTRAIL_PORT'), + 'connectionString' => 'tls://'.env('PAPERTRAIL_URL').':'.env('PAPERTRAIL_PORT'), + ], + 'processors' => [PsrLogMessageProcessor::class], + ], + + 'stderr' => [ + 'driver' => 'monolog', + 'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'), + 'handler' => StreamHandler::class, + 'formatter' => env('LOG_STDERR_FORMATTER'), + 'with' => [ + 'stream' => 'php://stderr', + ], + 'processors' => [PsrLogMessageProcessor::class], + ], + + 'syslog' => [ + 'driver' => 'syslog', + 'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'), + 'facility' => env('LOG_SYSLOG_FACILITY', LOG_USER), + 'replace_placeholders' => true, + ], + + 'errorlog' => [ + 'driver' => 'errorlog', + 'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'), + 'replace_placeholders' => true, + ], + + 'null' => [ + 'driver' => 'monolog', + 'handler' => NullHandler::class, + ], + + 'emergency' => [ + 'path' => storage_path('logs/laravel.log'), + ], + + ], + +]; diff --git a/config/mail.php b/config/mail.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07342fc --- /dev/null +++ b/config/mail.php @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ + env('MAIL_MAILER', 'log'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Mailer Configurations + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may configure all of the mailers used by your application plus + | their respective settings. Several examples have been configured for + | you and you are free to add your own as your application requires. + | + | Laravel supports a variety of mail "transport" drivers that can be used + | when delivering an email. You may specify which one you're using for + | your mailers below. You may also add additional mailers if needed. + | + | Supported: "smtp", "sendmail", "mailgun", "ses", "ses-v2", + | "postmark", "resend", "log", "array", + | "failover", "roundrobin" + | + */ + + 'mailers' => [ + + 'smtp' => [ + 'transport' => 'smtp', + 'url' => env('MAIL_URL'), + 'host' => env('MAIL_HOST', ''), + 'port' => env('MAIL_PORT', 2525), + 'encryption' => env('MAIL_ENCRYPTION', 'tls'), + 'username' => env('MAIL_USERNAME'), + 'password' => env('MAIL_PASSWORD'), + 'timeout' => null, + 'local_domain' => env('MAIL_EHLO_DOMAIN'), + ], + + 'ses' => [ + 'transport' => 'ses', + ], + + 'postmark' => [ + 'transport' => 'postmark', + // 'message_stream_id' => env('POSTMARK_MESSAGE_STREAM_ID'), + // 'client' => [ + // 'timeout' => 5, + // ], + ], + + 'resend' => [ + 'transport' => 'resend', + ], + + 'sendmail' => [ + 'transport' => 'sendmail', + 'path' => env('MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH', '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs -i'), + ], + + 'log' => [ + 'transport' => 'log', + 'channel' => env('MAIL_LOG_CHANNEL'), + ], + + 'array' => [ + 'transport' => 'array', + ], + + 'failover' => [ + 'transport' => 'failover', + 'mailers' => [ + 'smtp', + 'log', + ], + ], + + 'roundrobin' => [ + 'transport' => 'roundrobin', + 'mailers' => [ + 'ses', + 'postmark', + ], + ], + + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Global "From" Address + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | You may wish for all emails sent by your application to be sent from + | the same address. Here you may specify a name and address that is + | used globally for all emails that are sent by your application. + | + */ + + 'from' => [ + 'address' => env('MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', 'hello@example.com'), + 'name' => env('MAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Example'), + ], + +]; diff --git a/config/queue.php b/config/queue.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..116bd8d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/queue.php @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ + env('QUEUE_CONNECTION', 'database'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Queue Connections + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may configure the connection options for every queue backend + | used by your application. An example configuration is provided for + | each backend supported by Laravel. You're also free to add more. + | + | Drivers: "sync", "database", "beanstalkd", "sqs", "redis", "null" + | + */ + + 'connections' => [ + + 'sync' => [ + 'driver' => 'sync', + ], + + 'database' => [ + 'driver' => 'database', + 'connection' => env('DB_QUEUE_CONNECTION'), + 'table' => env('DB_QUEUE_TABLE', 'jobs'), + 'queue' => env('DB_QUEUE', 'default'), + 'retry_after' => (int) env('DB_QUEUE_RETRY_AFTER', 90), + 'after_commit' => false, + ], + + 'beanstalkd' => [ + 'driver' => 'beanstalkd', + 'host' => env('BEANSTALKD_QUEUE_HOST', 'localhost'), + 'queue' => env('BEANSTALKD_QUEUE', 'default'), + 'retry_after' => (int) env('BEANSTALKD_QUEUE_RETRY_AFTER', 90), + 'block_for' => 0, + 'after_commit' => false, + ], + + 'sqs' => [ + 'driver' => 'sqs', + 'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), + 'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'), + 'prefix' => env('SQS_PREFIX', 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/your-account-id'), + 'queue' => env('SQS_QUEUE', 'default'), + 'suffix' => env('SQS_SUFFIX'), + 'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'us-east-1'), + 'after_commit' => false, + ], + + 'redis' => [ + 'driver' => 'redis', + 'connection' => env('REDIS_QUEUE_CONNECTION', 'default'), + 'queue' => env('REDIS_QUEUE', 'default'), + 'retry_after' => (int) env('REDIS_QUEUE_RETRY_AFTER', 90), + 'block_for' => null, + 'after_commit' => false, + ], + + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Job Batching + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The following options configure the database and table that store job + | batching information. These options can be updated to any database + | connection and table which has been defined by your application. + | + */ + + 'batching' => [ + 'database' => env('DB_CONNECTION', 'sqlite'), + 'table' => 'job_batches', + ], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Failed Queue Jobs + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | These options configure the behavior of failed queue job logging so you + | can control how and where failed jobs are stored. Laravel ships with + | support for storing failed jobs in a simple file or in a database. + | + | Supported drivers: "database-uuids", "dynamodb", "file", "null" + | + */ + + 'failed' => [ + 'driver' => env('QUEUE_FAILED_DRIVER', 'database-uuids'), + 'database' => env('DB_CONNECTION', 'sqlite'), + 'table' => 'failed_jobs', + ], + +]; diff --git a/config/services.php b/config/services.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27a3617 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/services.php @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ + [ + 'token' => env('POSTMARK_TOKEN'), + ], + + 'ses' => [ + 'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), + 'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'), + 'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'us-east-1'), + ], + + 'resend' => [ + 'key' => env('RESEND_KEY'), + ], + + 'slack' => [ + 'notifications' => [ + 'bot_user_oauth_token' => env('SLACK_BOT_USER_OAUTH_TOKEN'), + 'channel' => env('SLACK_BOT_USER_DEFAULT_CHANNEL'), + ], + ], + +]; diff --git a/config/session.php b/config/session.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0b6541 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/session.php @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ + env('SESSION_DRIVER', 'database'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Lifetime + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may specify the number of minutes that you wish the session + | to be allowed to remain idle before it expires. If you want them + | to expire immediately when the browser is closed then you may + | indicate that via the expire_on_close configuration option. + | + */ + + 'lifetime' => env('SESSION_LIFETIME', 120), + + 'expire_on_close' => env('SESSION_EXPIRE_ON_CLOSE', false), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Encryption + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This option allows you to easily specify that all of your session data + | should be encrypted before it's stored. All encryption is performed + | automatically by Laravel and you may use the session like normal. + | + */ + + 'encrypt' => env('SESSION_ENCRYPT', false), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session File Location + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When utilizing the "file" session driver, the session files are placed + | on disk. The default storage location is defined here; however, you + | are free to provide another location where they should be stored. + | + */ + + 'files' => storage_path('framework/sessions'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Database Connection + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using the "database" or "redis" session drivers, you may specify a + | connection that should be used to manage these sessions. This should + | correspond to a connection in your database configuration options. + | + */ + + 'connection' => env('SESSION_CONNECTION'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Database Table + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using the "database" session driver, you may specify the table to + | be used to store sessions. Of course, a sensible default is defined + | for you; however, you're welcome to change this to another table. + | + */ + + 'table' => env('SESSION_TABLE', 'sessions'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Cache Store + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using one of the framework's cache driven session backends, you may + | define the cache store which should be used to store the session data + | between requests. This must match one of your defined cache stores. + | + | Affects: "apc", "dynamodb", "memcached", "redis" + | + */ + + 'store' => env('SESSION_STORE'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Sweeping Lottery + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Some session drivers must manually sweep their storage location to get + | rid of old sessions from storage. Here are the chances that it will + | happen on a given request. By default, the odds are 2 out of 100. + | + */ + + 'lottery' => [2, 100], + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Cookie Name + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may change the name of the session cookie that is created by + | the framework. Typically, you should not need to change this value + | since doing so does not grant a meaningful security improvement. + | + */ + + 'cookie' => env( + 'SESSION_COOKIE', + Str::slug(env('APP_NAME', 'laravel'), '_').'_session' + ), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Cookie Path + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The session cookie path determines the path for which the cookie will + | be regarded as available. Typically, this will be the root path of + | your application, but you're free to change this when necessary. + | + */ + + 'path' => env('SESSION_PATH', '/'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Cookie Domain + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This value determines the domain and subdomains the session cookie is + | available to. By default, the cookie will be available to the root + | domain and all subdomains. Typically, this shouldn't be changed. + | + */ + + 'domain' => env('SESSION_DOMAIN'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | HTTPS Only Cookies + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | By setting this option to true, session cookies will only be sent back + | to the server if the browser has a HTTPS connection. This will keep + | the cookie from being sent to you when it can't be done securely. + | + */ + + 'secure' => env('SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | HTTP Access Only + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Setting this value to true will prevent JavaScript from accessing the + | value of the cookie and the cookie will only be accessible through + | the HTTP protocol. It's unlikely you should disable this option. + | + */ + + 'http_only' => env('SESSION_HTTP_ONLY', true), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Same-Site Cookies + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This option determines how your cookies behave when cross-site requests + | take place, and can be used to mitigate CSRF attacks. By default, we + | will set this value to "lax" to permit secure cross-site requests. + | + | See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie#samesitesamesite-value + | + | Supported: "lax", "strict", "none", null + | + */ + + 'same_site' => env('SESSION_SAME_SITE', 'lax'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Partitioned Cookies + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Setting this value to true will tie the cookie to the top-level site for + | a cross-site context. Partitioned cookies are accepted by the browser + | when flagged "secure" and the Same-Site attribute is set to "none". + | + */ + + 'partitioned' => env('SESSION_PARTITIONED_COOKIE', false), + +]; diff --git a/database/.gitignore b/database/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b19b93 --- /dev/null +++ b/database/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +*.sqlite* diff --git a/database/factories/UserFactory.php b/database/factories/UserFactory.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..584104c --- /dev/null +++ b/database/factories/UserFactory.php @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + + */ +class UserFactory extends Factory +{ + /** + * The current password being used by the factory. + */ + protected static ?string $password; + + /** + * Define the model's default state. + * + * @return array + */ + public function definition(): array + { + return [ + 'name' => fake()->name(), + 'email' => fake()->unique()->safeEmail(), + 'email_verified_at' => now(), + 'password' => static::$password ??= Hash::make('password'), + 'remember_token' => Str::random(10), + ]; + } + + /** + * Indicate that the model's email address should be unverified. + */ + public function unverified(): static + { + return $this->state(fn (array $attributes) => [ + 'email_verified_at' => null, + ]); + } +} diff --git a/database/migrations/0001_01_01_000000_create_users_table.php b/database/migrations/0001_01_01_000000_create_users_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05fb5d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/database/migrations/0001_01_01_000000_create_users_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +id(); + $table->string('name'); + $table->string('email')->unique(); + $table->timestamp('email_verified_at')->nullable(); + $table->string('password'); + $table->rememberToken(); + $table->timestamps(); + }); + + Schema::create('password_reset_tokens', function (Blueprint $table) { + $table->string('email')->primary(); + $table->string('token'); + $table->timestamp('created_at')->nullable(); + }); + + Schema::create('sessions', function (Blueprint $table) { + $table->string('id')->primary(); + $table->foreignId('user_id')->nullable()->index(); + $table->string('ip_address', 45)->nullable(); + $table->text('user_agent')->nullable(); + $table->longText('payload'); + $table->integer('last_activity')->index(); + }); + } + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + */ + public function down(): void + { + Schema::dropIfExists('users'); + Schema::dropIfExists('password_reset_tokens'); + Schema::dropIfExists('sessions'); + } +}; diff --git a/database/migrations/0001_01_01_000001_create_cache_table.php b/database/migrations/0001_01_01_000001_create_cache_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9c106b --- /dev/null +++ b/database/migrations/0001_01_01_000001_create_cache_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +string('key')->primary(); + $table->mediumText('value'); + $table->integer('expiration'); + }); + + Schema::create('cache_locks', function (Blueprint $table) { + $table->string('key')->primary(); + $table->string('owner'); + $table->integer('expiration'); + }); + } + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + */ + public function down(): void + { + Schema::dropIfExists('cache'); + Schema::dropIfExists('cache_locks'); + } +}; diff --git a/database/migrations/0001_01_01_000002_create_jobs_table.php b/database/migrations/0001_01_01_000002_create_jobs_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..425e705 --- /dev/null +++ b/database/migrations/0001_01_01_000002_create_jobs_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +id(); + $table->string('queue')->index(); + $table->longText('payload'); + $table->unsignedTinyInteger('attempts'); + $table->unsignedInteger('reserved_at')->nullable(); + $table->unsignedInteger('available_at'); + $table->unsignedInteger('created_at'); + }); + + Schema::create('job_batches', function (Blueprint $table) { + $table->string('id')->primary(); + $table->string('name'); + $table->integer('total_jobs'); + $table->integer('pending_jobs'); + $table->integer('failed_jobs'); + $table->longText('failed_job_ids'); + $table->mediumText('options')->nullable(); + $table->integer('cancelled_at')->nullable(); + $table->integer('created_at'); + $table->integer('finished_at')->nullable(); + }); + + Schema::create('failed_jobs', function (Blueprint $table) { + $table->id(); + $table->string('uuid')->unique(); + $table->text('connection'); + $table->text('queue'); + $table->longText('payload'); + $table->longText('exception'); + $table->timestamp('failed_at')->useCurrent(); + }); + } + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + */ + public function down(): void + { + Schema::dropIfExists('jobs'); + Schema::dropIfExists('job_batches'); + Schema::dropIfExists('failed_jobs'); + } +}; diff --git a/database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php b/database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c11603 --- /dev/null +++ b/database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +create(); + + User::factory()->create([ + 'name' => 'Test User', + 'email' => 'admin@example.com', + ]); + } +} diff --git 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+ + + diff --git a/public/.htaccess b/public/.htaccess new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3aec5e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/.htaccess @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + + Options -MultiViews -Indexes + + + RewriteEngine On + + # Handle Authorization Header + RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} . + RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}] + + # Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder... + RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d + RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.+)/$ + RewriteRule ^ %1 [L,R=301] + + # Send Requests To Front Controller... + RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d + RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f + RewriteRule ^ index.php [L] + diff --git a/public/favicon.ico b/public/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/public/index.php b/public/index.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..947d989 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/index.php @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +handleRequest(Request::capture()); diff --git a/public/robots.txt b/public/robots.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb05362 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/robots.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +User-agent: * +Disallow: diff --git a/resources/css/app.css b/resources/css/app.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/resources/js/app.js b/resources/js/app.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cab829 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/js/app.js @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/** + * First we will load all of this project's JavaScript dependencies which + * includes Vue and other libraries. It is a great starting point when + * building robust, powerful web applications using Vue and Laravel. + */ + +import './bootstrap'; +import { createApp } from 'vue'; + +/** + * Next, we will create a fresh Vue application instance. You may then begin + * registering components with the application instance so they are ready + * to use in your application's views. An example is included for you. + */ + +const app = createApp({}); + +import ExampleComponent from './components/ExampleComponent.vue'; +app.component('example-component', ExampleComponent); + + +/** + * The following block of code may be used to automatically register your + * Vue components. It will recursively scan this directory for the Vue + * components and automatically register them with their "basename". + * + * Eg. ./components/ExampleComponent.vue -> + */ + +// Object.entries(import.meta.glob('./**/*.vue', { eager: true })).forEach(([path, definition]) => { +// app.component(path.split('/').pop().replace(/\.\w+$/, ''), definition.default); +// }); + +/** + * Finally, we will attach the application instance to a HTML element with + * an "id" attribute of "app". This element is included with the "auth" + * scaffolding. Otherwise, you will need to add an element yourself. + */ + +app.mount('#app'); diff --git a/resources/js/bootstrap.js b/resources/js/bootstrap.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46f7a33 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/js/bootstrap.js @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +import 'bootstrap'; + +/** + * We'll load the axios HTTP library which allows us to easily issue requests + * to our Laravel back-end. This library automatically handles sending the + * CSRF token as a header based on the value of the "XSRF" token cookie. + */ + +import axios from 'axios'; +window.axios = axios; + +window.axios.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'; + +/** + * Echo exposes an expressive API for subscribing to channels and listening + * for events that are broadcast by Laravel. Echo and event broadcasting + * allows your team to easily build robust real-time web applications. + */ + +// import Echo from 'laravel-echo'; + +// import Pusher from 'pusher-js'; +// window.Pusher = Pusher; + +// window.Echo = new Echo({ +// broadcaster: 'pusher', +// key: import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_APP_KEY, +// cluster: import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER ?? 'mt1', +// wsHost: import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_HOST ?? `ws-${import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER}.pusher.com`, +// wsPort: import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_PORT ?? 80, +// wssPort: import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_PORT ?? 443, +// forceTLS: (import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_SCHEME ?? 'https') === 'https', +// enabledTransports: ['ws', 'wss'], +// }); diff --git a/resources/js/components/ExampleComponent.vue b/resources/js/components/ExampleComponent.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3fb9f9a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/js/components/ExampleComponent.vue @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + + + diff --git a/resources/sass/_variables.scss b/resources/sass/_variables.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..172daaa --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/sass/_variables.scss @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +// Body +$body-bg: #f8fafc; + +// Typography +$font-family-sans-serif: 'Nunito', sans-serif; +$font-size-base: 0.9rem; +$line-height-base: 1.6; diff --git a/resources/sass/app.scss b/resources/sass/app.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1026a0b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/sass/app.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +// Fonts +@import url('https://fonts.bunny.net/css?family=Nunito'); + +// Variables +@import 'variables'; + +// Bootstrap +@import 'bootstrap/scss/bootstrap'; diff --git a/resources/views/auth/login.blade.php b/resources/views/auth/login.blade.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea9ac94 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/views/auth/login.blade.php @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +@extends('layouts.app') + +@section('content') +
{{ __('Login') }}
+ +
+ @csrf + +
+ + +
+ + + @error('email') + + {{ $message }} + + @enderror +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + @error('password') + + {{ $message }} + + @enderror +
+ +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + + @if (Route::has('password.request')) + + {{ __('Forgot Your Password?') }} + + @endif +
+@endsection diff --git a/resources/views/auth/passwords/confirm.blade.php b/resources/views/auth/passwords/confirm.blade.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8c8e61 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/views/auth/passwords/confirm.blade.php @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +@extends('layouts.app') + +@section('content') +
{{ __('Confirm Password') }}
+ +
+ {{ __('Please confirm your password before continuing.') }} + +
+ @csrf + +
+ + +
+ + + @error('password') + + {{ $message }} + + @enderror +
+ +
+ + + @if (Route::has('password.request')) + + {{ __('Forgot Your Password?') }} + + @endif +
+@endsection diff --git a/resources/views/auth/passwords/email.blade.php b/resources/views/auth/passwords/email.blade.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1ac783 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/views/auth/passwords/email.blade.php @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +@extends('layouts.app') + +@section('content') +
{{ __('Reset Password') }}
+ +
+ @if (session('status')) + + @endif + +
+ @csrf + +
+ + +
+ + + @error('email') + + {{ $message }} + + @enderror +
+ +
+ +
+@endsection diff --git a/resources/views/auth/passwords/reset.blade.php b/resources/views/auth/passwords/reset.blade.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dccf6c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/views/auth/passwords/reset.blade.php @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +@extends('layouts.app') + +@section('content') +
{{ __('Reset Password') }}
+ +
+ @csrf + + + +
+ + +
+ + + @error('email') + + {{ $message }} + + @enderror +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + @error('password') + + {{ $message }} + + @enderror +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+@endsection diff --git a/resources/views/auth/register.blade.php b/resources/views/auth/register.blade.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12cad1a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/views/auth/register.blade.php @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +@extends('layouts.app') + +@section('content') +
{{ __('Register') }}
+ +
+ @csrf + +
+ + +
+ + + @error('name') + + {{ $message }} + + @enderror +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + @error('email') + + {{ $message }} + + @enderror +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + @error('password') + + {{ $message }} + + @enderror +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+@endsection diff --git a/resources/views/auth/verify.blade.php b/resources/views/auth/verify.blade.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f8c1bc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/views/auth/verify.blade.php @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +@extends('layouts.app') + +@section('content') +
{{ __('Verify Your Email Address') }}
+ +
+ @if (session('resent')) + + @endif + + {{ __('Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.') }} + {{ __('If you did not receive the email') }}, +
+ @csrf + . +
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+ +
+@endsection diff --git a/resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php b/resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6970da --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ + + + + + + + + + + {{ config('app.name', 'Laravel') }} + + + + + + + @vite(['resources/sass/app.scss', 'resources/js/app.js']) + + +
+ + +
+ @yield('content') +
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