1.4.18 (2018-10-02)
1.4.17 (2018-10-02)
Merged pull requests:
- Add processing attachments #84 (RomainSanchez)
1.4.16 (2018-09-26)
1.4.15 (2018-09-26)
1.4.14 (2018-09-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Add ProcessingComment entity and API controller #82 (RomainSanchez)
- Add Import and Export for processing entity #59 (Fabrice-li)
1.4.13 (2018-09-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Add missing properties to Processing entity #80 (RomainSanchez)
- Add Structure detailled informations #77 (PapsOu)
- Add Processing context_of_implementation field #75 (PapsOu)
- Add processing status for validation #74 (PapsOu)
- Add recipients to Processing #73 (PapsOu)
1.4.10 (2018-09-14)
Closed issues:
- error during installation #79
Merged pull requests:
- Replace 'pia-templates' by 'processing-templates' in api_pattern #76 (GlennCavarle)
- Change Processing models for designated_controller fields #72 (PapsOu)
1.4.9 (2018-09-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Move templates from pia to processing #71 (GlennCavarle)
- Fix naming between processing and pia #69 (GlennCavarle)
- Add some @deprecated annotations #68 (GlennCavarle)
- Remove PIA name field #67 (PapsOu)
- Fix template error when the type of structure is not defined #66 (GlennCavarle)
1.4.8 (2018-09-06)
1.4.7 (2018-09-06)
Fixed bugs:
- Twig error runtime #28
Closed issues:
- error when i manage users #61
Merged pull requests:
- Cascading delete ProcessingDataType when deleting a Processing #65 (PapsOu)
- Add missing required object attributes on parameters #64 (PapsOu)
1.4.6 (2018-08-31)
1.2.6 (2018-08-29)
1.4.5 (2018-08-28)
1.4.4 (2018-08-28)
1.4.3 (2018-08-27)
1.2.5 (2018-08-23)
Closed issues:
- Unable to login after last git updates #63
1.3.1 (2018-08-21)
Merged pull requests:
1.4.2 (2018-08-14)
1.4.1 (2018-08-13)
1.4.0 (2018-08-13)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix create PIA from template #60 (PapsOu)
- Add data field to the data type #58 (Fabrice-li)
- Add fields to the creation of a data type #57 (Fabrice-li)
- Change ProcessingDataType from json to string #56 (PapsOu)
- Fix Pia progress count #55 (PapsOu)
- Try to fix PIA create #53 (PapsOu)
- Fix a bug whith processing testing #52 (Fabrice-li)
- Add export action for processing entity #51 (Fabrice-li)
- Fix the processing create action #50 (Fabrice-li)
- Fix processing serialization #49 (PapsOu)
- Processing Data Type - Add CRUDL methods #48 (Fabrice-li)
- Processing - Add Create, Edit, Delete method to the processing API #47 (Fabrice-li)
- Fix back button when requesting a password reset #45 (GlennCavarle)
- (Processing) - Add List action #44 (Fabrice-li)
- FOS_REST - Replace paths with a global tag #43 (Fabrice-li)
- Add Processing entity #41 (PapsOu)
- Update /oauth/v2/token example #40 (PapsOu)
1.3.0 (2018-08-01)
Fixed bugs:
- User creation failed if one user is already exist with the same adresse mail #27
Merged pull requests:
- (Role) - Add a method to compare 2 users roles - refs #7115 #39 (Fabrice-li)
- Check roles behaviours #38 (PapsOu)
- Fix duplicate user email error #37 (PapsOu)
- Wip api documentation #36 (PapsOu)
- Improve API documentation #35 (PapsOu)
- Add CLI command to export swagger.json #34 (GlennCavarle)
- Administration API #33 (PapsOu)
- Add customer portfolio management #31 (GlennCavarle)
1.2.4 (2018-07-17)
Merged pull requests:
1.2.3 (2018-07-12)
1.2.2 (2018-07-12)
Merged pull requests:
- API documentation using Nelmio and Swagger #23 (GlennCavarle)
1.2.1 (2018-07-05)
Closed issues:
- [ERROR] Application with name « Default App » was not found #26
Merged pull requests:
- Fix pia import issue caused by folder reference #29 (GlennCavarle)
1.2.0 (2018-06-28)
Merged pull requests:
1.1.0 (2018-06-20)
Merged pull requests:
- Add type property to Pia model #20 (RomainSanchez)
1.0.2 (2018-06-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Add domain logic encapsulation using services #22 (GlennCavarle)
- Wip migrations merge #21 (PapsOu)
- First step to limit the customer backend #15 (GlennCavarle)
1.0.1 (2018-06-14)
1.0.0 (2018-06-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Proposition de Roadmap #2
Merged pull requests:
- Wip translations #19 (PapsOu)
- Fix user return button on password reset request #18 (PapsOu)
- Add checkbox for sending password reset email #16 (PapsOu)
- Wip pia folders #14 (PapsOu)
- Wip pia folders #13 (PapsOu)
- Rename table pia_profile to user_profile #12 (GlennCavarle)
- Wip pia templates #11 (PapsOu)
- Wip ci #10 (PapsOu)
- Ci backend tests #9 (PapsOu)
0.4.5 (2018-05-18)
Merged pull requests:
0.4.4 (2018-05-16)
0.4.3 (2018-05-15)
Merged pull requests:
0.4.2 (2018-05-11)
Merged pull requests:
- [CI] Add CI in Back Auth #4 (FanchTheSystem)
- Back oauth #3 (PapsOu)
- [CI] Add some Basic LiCi tools #1 (FanchTheSystem)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator