// schedulingCycle tries to schedule a single Pod.
func (sched *Scheduler) schedulingCycle(
ctx context.Context,
state *framework.CycleState,
fwk framework.Framework,
podInfo *framework.QueuedPodInfo,
start time.Time,
podsToActivate *framework.PodsToActivate,
) (ScheduleResult, *framework.QueuedPodInfo, *framework.Status) {
pod := podInfo.Pod
scheduleResult, err := sched.SchedulePod(ctx, fwk, state, pod)
// 调度失败后,尝试进行抢占
if err != nil {
// ....
// Run PostFilter plugins to attempt to make the pod schedulable in a future scheduling cycle.
result, status := fwk.RunPostFilterPlugins(ctx, state, pod, fitError.Diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap)
这样设计的一个重要原因就是调度器只会通过标准的DELETE API来删除被抢占的Pod,所以,这些Pod必然有一定的优雅退出时间(默认是30秒)。而在这段时间里,其他的节点也是有可能变成可调度的,或者有新的节点被添加到这个集群中来
fwk.RunPostFilterPlugins() 方法会遍历所有的PostFilter插件,然后调用插件的PostFilter方法
// RunPostFilterPlugins runs the set of configured PostFilter plugins until the first
// Success, Error or UnschedulableAndUnresolvable is met; otherwise continues to execute all plugins.
func (f *frameworkImpl) RunPostFilterPlugins(ctx context.Context, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, filteredNodeStatusMap framework.NodeToStatusMap) (_ *framework.PostFilterResult, status *framework.Status) {
// ...
// `result` records the last meaningful(non-noop) PostFilterResult.
var result *framework.PostFilterResult
var reasons []string
var failedPlugin string
for _, pl := range f.postFilterPlugins {
// 调用postFilter插件的PostFilter方法
r, s := f.runPostFilterPlugin(ctx, pl, state, pod, filteredNodeStatusMap)
// ...
return result, framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, reasons...).WithFailedPlugin(failedPlugin)
// /pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/defaultpreemption/default_preemption.go
// PostFilter invoked at the postFilter extension point.
func (pl *DefaultPreemption) PostFilter(ctx context.Context, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, m framework.NodeToStatusMap) (*framework.PostFilterResult, *framework.Status) {
defer func() {
pe := preemption.Evaluator{
PluginName: names.DefaultPreemption,
Handler: pl.fh,
PodLister: pl.podLister,
PdbLister: pl.pdbLister,
State: state,
Interface: pl,
// 执行抢占
result, status := pe.Preempt(ctx, pod, m)
if status.Message() != "" {
return result, framework.NewStatus(status.Code(), "preemption: "+status.Message())
return result, status
// Preempt returns a PostFilterResult carrying suggested nominatedNodeName, along with a Status.
// The semantics of returned <PostFilterResult, Status> varies on different scenarios:
// - <nil, Error>. This denotes it's a transient/rare error that may be self-healed in future cycles.
// - <nil, Unschedulable>. This status is mostly as expected like the preemptor is waiting for the
// victims to be fully terminated.
// - In both cases above, a nil PostFilterResult is returned to keep the pod's nominatedNodeName unchanged.
// - <non-nil PostFilterResult, Unschedulable>. It indicates the pod cannot be scheduled even with preemption.
// In this case, a non-nil PostFilterResult is returned and result.NominatingMode instructs how to deal with
// the nominatedNodeName.
// - <non-nil PostFilterResult, Success>. It's the regular happy path
// and the non-empty nominatedNodeName will be applied to the preemptor pod.
func (ev *Evaluator) Preempt(ctx context.Context, pod *v1.Pod, m framework.NodeToStatusMap) (*framework.PostFilterResult, *framework.Status) {
// 0) Fetch the latest version of <pod>.
// It's safe to directly fetch pod here. Because the informer cache has already been
// initialized when creating the Scheduler obj.
// However, tests may need to manually initialize the shared pod informer.
podNamespace, podName := pod.Namespace, pod.Name
pod, err := ev.PodLister.Pods(pod.Namespace).Get(pod.Name)
if err != nil {
klog.ErrorS(err, "Getting the updated preemptor pod object", "pod", klog.KRef(podNamespace, podName))
return nil, framework.AsStatus(err)
// 1)确认抢占者是否能够进行抢占
// 1) Ensure the preemptor is eligible to preempt other pods.
if ok, msg := ev.PodEligibleToPreemptOthers(pod, m[pod.Status.NominatedNodeName]); !ok {
klog.V(5).InfoS("Pod is not eligible for preemption", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "reason", msg)
return nil, framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, msg)
// 2)查找所有抢占候选者
// 2) Find all preemption candidates.
candidates, nodeToStatusMap, err := ev.findCandidates(ctx, pod, m)
if err != nil && len(candidates) == 0 {
return nil, framework.AsStatus(err)
// Return a FitError only when there are no candidates that fit the pod.
if len(candidates) == 0 {
// ...
// Specify nominatedNodeName to clear the pod's nominatedNodeName status, if applicable.
return framework.NewPostFilterResultWithNominatedNode(""), framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, fitError.Error())
// 3)如果有extender则执行
// 3) Interact with registered Extenders to filter out some candidates if needed.
candidates, status := ev.callExtenders(pod, candidates)
if !status.IsSuccess() {
return nil, status
// 4)查找最佳抢占候选者
// 4) Find the best candidate.
bestCandidate := ev.SelectCandidate(candidates)
if bestCandidate == nil || len(bestCandidate.Name()) == 0 {
return nil, framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, "no candidate node for preemption")
// 5)在抢占之前做一些准备工作
// 5) Perform preparation work before nominating the selected candidate.
if status := ev.prepareCandidate(ctx, bestCandidate, pod, ev.PluginName); !status.IsSuccess() {
return nil, status
return framework.NewPostFilterResultWithNominatedNode(bestCandidate.Name()), framework.NewStatus(framework.Success)
- 调用PodEligibleToPreemptOthers()方法,检查抢占者是否能够进行抢占,如果当前的Pod已经抢占了一个Node节点或者在被抢占Node节点中有Pod正在执行优雅退出,那么不应该执行抢占
- 调用FindCandidates()方法找到所有Node中能被抢占的Node节点,并返回候选列表以及Node节点中需要被删除的Pod
- 若有extender则执行
- 调用SelectCandidate()方法在所有候选列表中找出最合适的Node节点进行抢占
- 调用PrepareCandidate()方法删除被抢占的Node节点中victim(牺牲者),以及清理NominatedNodeName字段信息
// pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/defaultpreemption/default_preemption.go
// PodEligibleToPreemptOthers returns one bool and one string. The bool
// indicates whether this pod should be considered for preempting other pods or
// not. The string includes the reason if this pod isn't eligible.
// There're several reasons:
// 1. The pod has a preemptionPolicy of Never.
// 2. The pod has already preempted other pods and the victims are in their graceful termination period.
// Currently we check the node that is nominated for this pod, and as long as there are
// terminating pods on this node, we don't attempt to preempt more pods.
func (pl *DefaultPreemption) PodEligibleToPreemptOthers(pod *v1.Pod, nominatedNodeStatus *framework.Status) (bool, string) {
if pod.Spec.PreemptionPolicy != nil && *pod.Spec.PreemptionPolicy == v1.PreemptNever {
return false, "not eligible due to preemptionPolicy=Never."
nodeInfos := pl.fh.SnapshotSharedLister().NodeInfos()
// 查看抢占者是否已经抢占过
nomNodeName := pod.Status.NominatedNodeName
if len(nomNodeName) > 0 {
// If the pod's nominated node is considered as UnschedulableAndUnresolvable by the filters,
// then the pod should be considered for preempting again.
if nominatedNodeStatus.Code() == framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable {
return true, ""
// 获取被抢占的node节点
if nodeInfo, _ := nodeInfos.Get(nomNodeName); nodeInfo != nil {
// 查看是否存在正在被删除并且优先级比抢占者pod低的pod
podPriority := corev1helpers.PodPriority(pod)
for _, p := range nodeInfo.Pods {
if corev1helpers.PodPriority(p.Pod) < podPriority && podTerminatingByPreemption(p.Pod, pl.fts.EnablePodDisruptionConditions) {
// There is a terminating pod on the nominated node.
return false, "not eligible due to a terminating pod on the nominated node."
return true, ""
// FindCandidates calculates a slice of preemption candidates.
// Each candidate is executable to make the given <pod> schedulable.
func (ev *Evaluator) findCandidates(ctx context.Context, pod *v1.Pod, m framework.NodeToStatusMap) ([]Candidate, framework.NodeToStatusMap, error) {
allNodes, err := ev.Handler.SnapshotSharedLister().NodeInfos().List()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if len(allNodes) == 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("no nodes available")
// 找到predicates阶段失败但是通过抢占也许能够成功调度的node
potentialNodes, unschedulableNodeStatus := nodesWherePreemptionMightHelp(allNodes, m)
if len(potentialNodes) == 0 {
// ...
return nil, unschedulableNodeStatus, nil
// 获取pdb对象,pdb能够限制同时终止pod的数量,以保证集群的高可用性
pdbs, err := getPodDisruptionBudgets(ev.PdbLister)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
offset, numCandidates := ev.GetOffsetAndNumCandidates(int32(len(potentialNodes)))
if klogV := klog.V(5); klogV.Enabled() {
var sample []string
for i := offset; i < offset+10 && i < int32(len(potentialNodes)); i++ {
sample = append(sample, potentialNodes[i].Node().Name)
klogV.InfoS("Selecting candidates from a pool of nodes", "potentialNodesCount", len(potentialNodes), "offset", offset, "sampleLength", len(sample), "sample", sample, "candidates", numCandidates)
// 找到适合被抢占的node节点,并封装成candidates数组返回
candidates, nodeStatuses, err := ev.DryRunPreemption(ctx, pod, potentialNodes, pdbs, offset, numCandidates)
for node, nodeStatus := range unschedulableNodeStatus {
nodeStatuses[node] = nodeStatus
return candidates, nodeStatuses, err
FindCandidates() 方法核心流程:
- 首先会获取Node列表
- 获取pdb对象,pdb能够限制同时终止pod的数量,以保证集群的高可用性
- 调用 nodesWherePreemptionMightHelp() 方法找出Predicates(预选)阶段失败但是通过抢占也许能够调度成功的Node列表,
- 最后调用 dryRunPreemption() 方法来找到适合被抢占的Node节点
// /pkg/scheduler/framework/preemption/preemption.go
// DryRunPreemption simulates Preemption logic on <potentialNodes> in parallel,
// returns preemption candidates and a map indicating filtered nodes statuses.
// The number of candidates depends on the constraints defined in the plugin's args. In the returned list of
// candidates, ones that do not violate PDB are preferred over ones that do.
// NOTE: This method is exported for easier testing in default preemption.
func (ev *Evaluator) DryRunPreemption(ctx context.Context, pod *v1.Pod, potentialNodes []*framework.NodeInfo,
pdbs []*policy.PodDisruptionBudget, offset int32, numCandidates int32) ([]Candidate, framework.NodeToStatusMap, error) {
fh := ev.Handler
nonViolatingCandidates := newCandidateList(numCandidates)
violatingCandidates := newCandidateList(numCandidates)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
nodeStatuses := make(framework.NodeToStatusMap)
var statusesLock sync.Mutex
var errs []error
checkNode := func(i int) {
nodeInfoCopy := potentialNodes[(int(offset)+i)%len(potentialNodes)].Clone()
stateCopy := ev.State.Clone()
pods, numPDBViolations, status := ev.SelectVictimsOnNode(ctx, stateCopy, pod, nodeInfoCopy, pdbs)
if status.IsSuccess() && len(pods) != 0 {
victims := extenderv1.Victims{
Pods: pods,
NumPDBViolations: int64(numPDBViolations),
c := &candidate{
victims: &victims,
name: nodeInfoCopy.Node().Name,
if numPDBViolations == 0 {
} else {
nvcSize, vcSize := nonViolatingCandidates.size(), violatingCandidates.size()
if nvcSize > 0 && nvcSize+vcSize >= numCandidates {
if status.IsSuccess() && len(pods) == 0 {
status = framework.AsStatus(fmt.Errorf("expected at least one victim pod on node %q", nodeInfoCopy.Node().Name))
if status.Code() == framework.Error {
errs = append(errs, status.AsError())
nodeStatuses[nodeInfoCopy.Node().Name] = status
fh.Parallelizer().Until(ctx, len(potentialNodes), checkNode, ev.PluginName)
return append(nonViolatingCandidates.get(), violatingCandidates.get()...), nodeStatuses, utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)
// /pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/defaultpreemption/default_preemption.go
// SelectVictimsOnNode finds minimum set of pods on the given node that should be preempted in order to make enough room
// for "pod" to be scheduled.
func (pl *DefaultPreemption) SelectVictimsOnNode(
ctx context.Context,
state *framework.CycleState,
pod *v1.Pod,
nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo,
pdbs []*policy.PodDisruptionBudget) ([]*v1.Pod, int, *framework.Status) {
var potentialVictims []*framework.PodInfo
// 移除node节点的pod
removePod := func(rpi *framework.PodInfo) error {
if err := nodeInfo.RemovePod(rpi.Pod); err != nil {
return err
status := pl.fh.RunPreFilterExtensionRemovePod(ctx, state, pod, rpi, nodeInfo)
if !status.IsSuccess() {
return status.AsError()
return nil
// 将node节点添加pod
addPod := func(api *framework.PodInfo) error {
status := pl.fh.RunPreFilterExtensionAddPod(ctx, state, pod, api, nodeInfo)
if !status.IsSuccess() {
return status.AsError()
return nil
// As the first step, remove all the lower priority pods from the node and
// check if the given pod can be scheduled.
// 获取pod的优先级,并将node中所有优先级低于该pod的调用removePod方法移除
podPriority := corev1helpers.PodPriority(pod)
for _, pi := range nodeInfo.Pods {
if corev1helpers.PodPriority(pi.Pod) < podPriority {
potentialVictims = append(potentialVictims, pi)
if err := removePod(pi); err != nil {
return nil, 0, framework.AsStatus(err)
// 没有优先级低的pod,直接返回
// No potential victims are found, and so we don't need to evaluate the node again since its state didn't change.
if len(potentialVictims) == 0 {
message := fmt.Sprintf("No preemption victims found for incoming pod")
return nil, 0, framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, message)
// If the new pod does not fit after removing all the lower priority pods,
// we are almost done and this node is not suitable for preemption. The only
// condition that we could check is if the "pod" is failing to schedule due to
// inter-pod affinity to one or more victims, but we have decided not to
// support this case for performance reasons. Having affinity to lower
// priority pods is not a recommended configuration anyway.
// 检查抢占pod是否符合在node节点上运行,如果移除所有低优先级的pod之后抢占pod都无法在node节点上运行,那么就认为不适合抢占该node节点
if status := pl.fh.RunFilterPluginsWithNominatedPods(ctx, state, pod, nodeInfo); !status.IsSuccess() {
return nil, 0, status
var victims []*v1.Pod
numViolatingVictim := 0
// 将potentialVictims集合里的pod按照优先级进行排序
sort.Slice(potentialVictims, func(i, j int) bool { return util.MoreImportantPod(potentialVictims[i].Pod, potentialVictims[j].Pod) })
// Try to reprieve as many pods as possible. We first try to reprieve the PDB
// violating victims and then other non-violating ones. In both cases, we start
// from the highest priority victims.
// 将potentialVictims集合里的pod基于pod是否有pdb被分为两组
violatingVictims, nonViolatingVictims := filterPodsWithPDBViolation(potentialVictims, pdbs)
reprievePod := func(pi *framework.PodInfo) (bool, error) {
// 先将删除的pod添加回来
if err := addPod(pi); err != nil {
return false, err
// 判断添加完之后是否还符合抢占pod的调度
status := pl.fh.RunFilterPluginsWithNominatedPods(ctx, state, pod, nodeInfo)
fits := status.IsSuccess()
if !fits {
// 不符合就再删除pod
if err := removePod(pi); err != nil {
return false, err
rpi := pi.Pod
// 并将这个需要删除的pod添加到victims(最终需要删除的pod列表中)
victims = append(victims, rpi)
klog.V(5).InfoS("Pod is a potential preemption victim on node", "pod", klog.KObj(rpi), "node", klog.KObj(nodeInfo.Node()))
return fits, nil
// 依次调用reprievePod方法尽可能多的让低优先级Pod不被移除
for _, p := range violatingVictims {
if fits, err := reprievePod(p); err != nil {
return nil, 0, framework.AsStatus(err)
} else if !fits {
// Now we try to reprieve non-violating victims.
for _, p := range nonViolatingVictims {
if _, err := reprievePod(p); err != nil {
return nil, 0, framework.AsStatus(err)
return victims, numViolatingVictim, framework.NewStatus(framework.Success)
- 首先定义了两个函数:removePod 和 addPod,这两个函数都差不多,removePod会把Pod从Node中移除,然后修改Node的属性,如将Requested.MilliCPU、Requested.Memory中减去,表示已用资源大小,将该Pod从Node节点的Pods列表中移除等等
- 遍历找出Node中所有优先级小于抢占Pod的Pod,调用 removePod() 方法将其从Node中移除,加入 potentialVictims 集合中
- 调用 fh.RunFilterPluginsWithNominatedPods() 检查抢占Pod是否符合在Node节点上运行,这个就是调度的预选算法中调用的函数,同样会执行两遍,检查加上 NominatedPods 是否满足,再将 NominatedPods 移除检查是否满足。如果移除所有低优先级的Pod之后抢占Pod都无法在Node节点上运行,那么就认为不适合抢占该Node节点
- 将 potentialVictims 集合里的Pod按照优先级进行排序,排序算法为先看Pod的优先级,然后看Pod的启动时间,启动越早优先级越高
- 通过 filterPodsWithPDBViolation() 方法计算删除的Pod是否满足PDB的要求,将 potentialVictims分为 violatingVictims 和 nonViolatingVictims
- 根据上面选出来的violatingVictims和nonViolatingVictims,通过reprievePod()方法尽可能多的让低优先级Pod不被移除。reprievePod()函数先将删除的Pod添加回来,判断添加完之后是否还符合抢占Pod的调度,如果不符合再删除该Pod,并将这个需要删除的Pod添加到victims列表中
// /pkg/scheduler/framework/preemption/preemption.go
// SelectCandidate chooses the best-fit candidate from given <candidates> and return it.
// NOTE: This method is exported for easier testing in default preemption.
func (ev *Evaluator) SelectCandidate(candidates []Candidate) Candidate {
if len(candidates) == 0 {
return nil
if len(candidates) == 1 {
return candidates[0]
victimsMap := ev.CandidatesToVictimsMap(candidates)
// 选择最佳被抢占的node节点
candidateNode := pickOneNodeForPreemption(victimsMap)
// Same as candidatesToVictimsMap, this logic is not applicable for out-of-tree
// preemption plugins that exercise different candidates on the same nominated node.
if victims := victimsMap[candidateNode]; victims != nil {
return &candidate{
victims: victims,
name: candidateNode,
// We shouldn't reach here.
klog.ErrorS(errors.New("no candidate selected"), "Should not reach here", "candidates", candidates)
// To not break the whole flow, return the first candidate.
return candidates[0]
// /pkg/scheduler/framework/preemption/preemption.go
// pickOneNodeForPreemption chooses one node among the given nodes. It assumes
// pods in each map entry are ordered by decreasing priority.
// It picks a node based on the following criteria:
// 1. A node with minimum number of PDB violations.
// 2. A node with minimum highest priority victim is picked.
// 3. Ties are broken by sum of priorities of all victims.
// 4. If there are still ties, node with the minimum number of victims is picked.
// 5. If there are still ties, node with the latest start time of all highest priority victims is picked.
// 6. If there are still ties, the first such node is picked (sort of randomly).
// The 'minNodes1' and 'minNodes2' are being reused here to save the memory
// allocation and garbage collection time.
func pickOneNodeForPreemption(nodesToVictims map[string]*extenderv1.Victims) string {
if len(nodesToVictims) == 0 {
return ""
allCandidates := make([]string, 0, len(nodesToVictims))
for node := range nodesToVictims {
allCandidates = append(allCandidates, node)
minNumPDBViolatingScoreFunc := func(node string) int64 {
// The smaller the NumPDBViolations, the higher the score.
return -nodesToVictims[node].NumPDBViolations
minHighestPriorityScoreFunc := func(node string) int64 {
// highestPodPriority is the highest priority among the victims on this node.
highestPodPriority := corev1helpers.PodPriority(nodesToVictims[node].Pods[0])
// The smaller the highestPodPriority, the higher the score.
return -int64(highestPodPriority)
minSumPrioritiesScoreFunc := func(node string) int64 {
var sumPriorities int64
for _, pod := range nodesToVictims[node].Pods {
// We add MaxInt32+1 to all priorities to make all of them >= 0. This is
// needed so that a node with a few pods with negative priority is not
// picked over a node with a smaller number of pods with the same negative
// priority (and similar scenarios).
sumPriorities += int64(corev1helpers.PodPriority(pod)) + int64(math.MaxInt32+1)
// The smaller the sumPriorities, the higher the score.
return -sumPriorities
minNumPodsScoreFunc := func(node string) int64 {
// The smaller the length of pods, the higher the score.
return -int64(len(nodesToVictims[node].Pods))
latestStartTimeScoreFunc := func(node string) int64 {
// Get earliest start time of all pods on the current node.
earliestStartTimeOnNode := util.GetEarliestPodStartTime(nodesToVictims[node])
if earliestStartTimeOnNode == nil {
klog.ErrorS(errors.New("earliestStartTime is nil for node"), "Should not reach here", "node", node)
return int64(math.MinInt64)
// The bigger the earliestStartTimeOnNode, the higher the score.
return earliestStartTimeOnNode.UnixNano()
// Each scoreFunc scores the nodes according to specific rules and keeps the name of the node
// with the highest score. If and only if the scoreFunc has more than one node with the highest
// score, we will execute the other scoreFunc in order of precedence.
scoreFuncs := []func(string) int64{
// A node with a minimum number of PDB is preferable.
// A node with a minimum highest priority victim is preferable.
// A node with the smallest sum of priorities is preferable.
// A node with the minimum number of pods is preferable.
// A node with the latest start time of all highest priority victims is preferable.
// If there are still ties, then the first Node in the list is selected.
for _, f := range scoreFuncs {
selectedNodes := []string{}
maxScore := int64(math.MinInt64)
for _, node := range allCandidates {
score := f(node)
if score > maxScore {
maxScore = score
selectedNodes = []string{}
if score == maxScore {
selectedNodes = append(selectedNodes, node)
if len(selectedNodes) == 1 {
return selectedNodes[0]
allCandidates = selectedNodes
return allCandidates[0]
- 取被驱逐的Pod违反PDB最少的节点
- 如果上一步选择完存在多个节点,取被驱逐的Pod最高优先级最小的节点
- 如果上一步选择完存在多个节点,取被驱逐的Pod优先级之和最小的节点
- 如果上一步选择完存在多个节点,取被驱逐的Pod数量最小的节点
- 如果上一步选择完存在多个节点,取被驱逐的Pod中创建时间最近的节点
- 如果上一步选择完存在多个节点,取第一个节点
// prepareCandidate does some preparation work before nominating the selected candidate:
// - Evict the victim pods
// - Reject the victim pods if they are in waitingPod map
// - Clear the low-priority pods' nominatedNodeName status if needed
func (ev *Evaluator) prepareCandidate(ctx context.Context, c Candidate, pod *v1.Pod, pluginName string) *framework.Status {
fh := ev.Handler
cs := ev.Handler.ClientSet()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
errCh := parallelize.NewErrorChannel()
preemptPod := func(index int) {
victim := c.Victims().Pods[index]
// If the victim is a WaitingPod, send a reject message to the PermitPlugin.
// Otherwise we should delete the victim.
if waitingPod := fh.GetWaitingPod(victim.UID); waitingPod != nil {
waitingPod.Reject(pluginName, "preempted")
} else {
if feature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.PodDisruptionConditions) {
victimPodApply := corev1apply.Pod(victim.Name, victim.Namespace).WithStatus(corev1apply.PodStatus())
WithMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%s: preempting to accommodate a higher priority pod", pod.Spec.SchedulerName)).
if _, err := cs.CoreV1().Pods(victim.Namespace).ApplyStatus(ctx, victimPodApply, metav1.ApplyOptions{FieldManager: fieldManager, Force: true}); err != nil {
klog.ErrorS(err, "Preparing pod preemption", "pod", klog.KObj(victim), "preemptor", klog.KObj(pod))
errCh.SendErrorWithCancel(err, cancel)
if err := util.DeletePod(ctx, cs, victim); err != nil {
klog.ErrorS(err, "Preempting pod", "pod", klog.KObj(victim), "preemptor", klog.KObj(pod))
errCh.SendErrorWithCancel(err, cancel)
fh.EventRecorder().Eventf(victim, pod, v1.EventTypeNormal, "Preempted", "Preempting", "Preempted by a pod on node %v", c.Name())
fh.Parallelizer().Until(ctx, len(c.Victims().Pods), preemptPod, ev.PluginName)
if err := errCh.ReceiveError(); err != nil {
return framework.AsStatus(err)
// Lower priority pods nominated to run on this node, may no longer fit on
// this node. So, we should remove their nomination. Removing their
// nomination updates these pods and moves them to the active queue. It
// lets scheduler find another place for them.
nominatedPods := getLowerPriorityNominatedPods(fh, pod, c.Name())
if err := util.ClearNominatedNodeName(ctx, cs, nominatedPods...); err != nil {
klog.ErrorS(err, "Cannot clear 'NominatedNodeName' field")
// We do not return as this error is not critical.
return nil