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File metadata and controls

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Setup / First Time

If you have never released before you will need to do the following,

  • Your user will need access to the maven central repo for our group (com.cerner.common.kafka)
    • Create a JIRA account
    • Log a ticket (like this one) to get access to the repo. You will need one of the owners of the project to approve the JIRA
  • Install gpg (for Mac brew install gnupg)
  • Setup gpg key (
    • Create new key gpg --gen-key. Follow instructions
    • Share public key gpg --keyserver --send-keys KEY_ID
  • Add the following to ~/.m2/settings.xml
  • You can also setup your gpg passphrase into settings.xml following this but I was unable to get it to work

Releasing the Project

If you've done the setup to release the project do the following,

mvn release:clean release:prepare release:perform -P ossrh

This will,

  • Drop -SNAPSHOT from version
  • Create a git tag
  • Bump version and add -SNAPSHOT for next development
  • Push artifact to staging

At this point you can check the artifacts if you would like in the staging repo. If everything looks good you can then do,

mvn nexus-staging:release -P ossrh -DstagingRepositoryId=REPO_ID

This promotes the artifacts from staging to public maven central.

You can get the REPO_ID either look for,
Closing staging repository with ID "comcernercommonkafka-1002" in the maven logs or from the staging repo.

Common Issues

gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

If the gpg maven plugin gives you the error gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device you can try doing,

export GPG_TTY

Maven Fails to Commit/Push

If the maven release plugin fails to commit things to git or create tags you can try the following,

git config --add status.displayCommentPrefix true

Unhandled: Repository: comcernercommonkafka-XXXX has invalid state: open

If the staging repository promotion command fails with Unhandled: Repository: comcernercommonkafka-1001 has invalid state: open this likely means the project doesn't meet some requirement of the sonatype repo. You can attempt to manually close the repo via the staging repo webUI which will prep it to be promoted. It should run the staged artifacts through a check process and fail for any issues.

Rule failure: No public key: Key with id: XXXXXX

This means that one of the sonatype repository rules about having a valid GPG key failed and they were unable to find your key in any of the public key servers.

Pushing your gpg key to a public key server should likely fix the issue,

gpg --send-key KEY_ID

Then verify with,

gpg --recv-key KEY_ID

If this isn't working you can try manually uploading,

gpg --armor --export KEY_ID

Then going to and uploading the key into the UI.

Another option I've found that worked when the others didn't was to use another keyserver,

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-key KEY_ID

And verify,

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys KEY_ID

Additionally this can still fail even if the key is found on the key server if your key is actually a sub key. You can see this with,

gpg --list-keys 

If your key contains the sub section. If it does you likely need to delete your key(s),

gpg --delete-secret-key KEY_ID 
gpg --delete-key KEY_ID

Then generate a new key that is a 'sign only' key,

gpg --full-generate-key

Make sure to select the 'Sign Only' and 'RSA' options. Then follow the same options above to upload your key and verify its on the public key servers and try the release again. Release can be started again with,

mvn release:perform -P ossrh