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92 lines (48 loc) · 1.47 KB

48. Rotate

File metadata and controls

92 lines (48 loc) · 1.47 KB


一天一道LeetCode系列 ##(一)题目

You are given an n x n 2D matrix representing an image.

Rotate the image by 90 degrees (clockwise).

Follow up: Could you do this in-place?


90度旋转图像,我们不难看出$$matrix[i][j] = tmp[j][n-i-1]\quad \quad注:tmp=matrix$$经过这样的变换后,图像就旋转了90度。

class Solution {


    void rotate(vector<vector<int>>& matrix) {

        int n = matrix.size()-1;

        vector<vector<int>> tmp = matrix;//深拷贝

        for(int i = 0 ; i< n+1; i++)


            for(int j = 0 ; j < n+1 ; j++)


                matrix[j][n-i] = tmp[i][j];//赋值转换






class Solution {


    void rotate(vector<vector<int> > &matrix) {

        int dim = matrix.size();

        int temp = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) { //先转置

            for (int j = i+1; j < dim; ++j) {

                temp = matrix[i][j];

                matrix[i][j] = matrix[j][i];

                matrix[j][i] = temp;



        for (int i = 0; i < dim/2; ++i) { //然后对称变换

            for (int j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {

                temp = matrix[j][i];

                matrix[j][i] = matrix[j][dim - i -1];

                matrix[j][dim - i -1] = temp;



