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harshit singhal edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the Utility-HTML5Canvas wiki!

Data Structures


myStack will be used as an example variable.

  • Create a new Stack Object:

    let myStack = new Stack();
  • Push elements into Stack:

    myStack.push(value); //This function returns the value being added/pushed
  • Pop element from Stack:

    myStack.pop(); //This function returns the _popped/removed value_
  • Peek elements of Stack:

    myStack.view(); //This function returns the _stack array_


myQueue will be used as an example variable.

  • Create a new Queue Object:

    let myQueue= new Queue();
  • Push elements into Queue:

    myQueue.push(value); //This function returns the _value being pushed_
  • Pop element from the Queue:

    myQueue.pop(); //This function returns the _popped value_
  • Peek elements of Queue:

    myQueue.view(); //This function returns the _Queue array_


Library only provides static function. I will be using 'v' as an example variable name.

  • Create a new (0,0) vector:

    let v = new Vector();
  • Create a new vector at (x,y):

    let v = new Vector(x, y);
  • Addition of Vectors:

    1. add two vectors:
    Vector2D.add(vector_object, vector_object);
    1. addition of vector and a constant:
    Vector2D.add(vector_object, constant);
  • Scaling of Vectors:

    1. To a particular number:
    Vector2D.setMag(constant, vector_object);
    1. With a vector:
    Vector2D.mul(vector_object, vector_object);
    1. With a constant:
    Vector2D.mul(vector_object, constant);
  • Subtraction of Vectors:

    1. Subtract two vectors:
    Vector2D.sub(vector_object, vector_object);
    1. Subtraction of vector and a constant:
    Vector2D.sub(vector_object, constant);
  • Division of Vectors:

    1. Divide two vectors:
    Vector2D.div(vector_object, vector_object);
    1. Division of vector and a constant:
    Vector2D.div(vector_object, constant);
  • Dot Product of Vectors:, vector_object);
  • Magnitude of Vector:

  • Normalization of Vectors:

  • Limit the size of a Vector:

    Vector2D.limit(constant_limit, vector_object);
  • Distance between two Vectors:

    Vector2D.distance(vector_object, vector_object);
  • Angle between two Vectors:

    Vector2D.angleBetween(vector_object, vector_object);


  • Create a new Shapes object and provide canvas context interface as an argument.
    For example:

    const ctx = document.querySelector('canvas').getContext('2d');
    let s = new Shapes(ctx);
  • Fill

    NOTE: All the fields are optional.
    c :: RGB, RGBA, HEX, etc. (default:"black")
  • Stroke

    NOTE: All the fields are optional.
    c :: RGB, RGBA, HEX, etc. (default:"black")
    path :: the canvas path object (default:last_shape_created_path)
    w :: width of line (default:1)
    dash(array) :: sets the line dash pattern (default:[])
    dashOff :: sets the line dash offset, or "phase." (default:0)
    s.stroke({color:"red", dash:[4,8], w: 4});
  • Lines:

    NOTE: All the fields are optional.
    path :: the canvas path object (default:creates_new_path)
    x :: the starting x position of the line (default:1)
    y:: the starting y position of the line (default:1)
    x1:: the ending x position of the line (default:10)
    y1 :: the ending y position of the line (default:10)
    cap :: the shape used to draw the end points of lines (default:"butt")
    s.line({x:100, y: 200, x1:39, y1: 44});
    s.line({x:10, y: 20, x1:39, y1: 20, cap:"round"});
  • Rect/Square:, start_y, width, height);

    For example:, 0, 10, 10);
    s.stroke('black');//to make a stroked box
    s.fill('red'); //to make a filled box

  • Circle:, start_y, radii);

    For example:, 10, 10);
    s.stroke('black');//to make a stroked ball
    s.fill('red'); //to make a filled ball

  • Triangle:

    1. Equilateral: s.eqTri(length, start_x, start_y, rotate_angle);

    rotate is not mandatory and it's default value is 0. For example:
    s.eqTri(10, 10, 10, 10);
    s.stroke('black');//to make a stroked triangle
    s.fill('red'); //to make a filled triangle

  • Ellipse:
    s.ellipse(start_x, start_y, radius_x, radius_y, startangle, endangle, rotate, anticlock);

    rotate and anti-clock are not mandatory and there default values are 0 and false respectively.

    For example:
    s.ellipse(10, 10, 10, 10, Math.PI*4, 0);
    s.stroke('black');//to make a stroked ellipse
    s.fill('red'); //to make a filled ellipse

  • Complex Shapes (more than 4 sides):
    s.complex(length, start_x, start_y, sides, angle);

    sides has a default value of 3 and angle is not mandatory and it's default values is 0.

    For example:
    s.complex(10, 10, 10, 5); //creates a pentagon
    s.stroke('black');//to make a stroked ellipse
    s.fill('red'); //to make a filled ellipse

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